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Allison's POV

"Tryouts are today for the school musical." Emma tells me as she walks beside me on the sidewalk.

"Is that your attempt at trying to get me to try out....because it didn't work." I reply playfully as I laugh at her.

"Come on. Did you see the lack of talent we got last year? You could get the lead role no problem." She says softly.

"And I told you the same thing last year.. I'm better at doing everything off the stage not on it." I say sharply.

"Your wasting your talent on crew." She says as she shakes her head.

"Well.. your..." I begin to say but I feel someone else's body slam into mine.

My vision goes blurry as my body is met with the ground. I groan as I try and refocus my vision.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?" A male voice asks me.

My eyes focus and I notice a boy on the ground next to me. He had brown curly hair and chocolate eyes. He was fairly skinny and I had never seen him before.

"I was fine until you ran into me." I mumble as I stand up.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was skateboarding." He says softly as he looks at me with concern.

I feel pain in my elbow and look down at it and realize that it is bleeding.

"Shoot. I'm sorry. Let me take you to the nurses office." He offers as he picks up his skateboard.

"I'll be fine it's just a scratch." I say softly as I walk past him.

I hear Emma catch up to me.

"Who was that?" She asks me softly.

"I have absolutely no idea." I reply as I continue to walk inside school.

"Well he was cute." She says playfully causing me to shake my head at her.

The day flew by and I didn't have another encounter with the brown haired boy from the morning. I grabbed my books from my locker and made my way to the theatre. I wasn't going to try out but I always watched the auditions because I was on crew. I quietly opened the door to the theatre and sat in the last row. I noticed a bunch of nervous people all waiting to sing. I heard a bunch of people sing but none of them were special to me. I scrolled through my phone as more people auditioned.

I heard the theatre doors slightly open causing me to turn my attention to the door. My eyes widened as I noticed the boy from earlier quietly walking into the theatre. He was holding a guitar strapped across his chest.

"Am I late?" He asked as he turned his attention to me.

His eyes widened as he looked at me.

"Hey. Aren't you the girl I ran into earlier? I'm really sorry about that." He says softly as he sits beside me.

"You are late and yes." I say as I look over at him.

"I didn't get your name." He says as I feel his eyes on me.

"That's because I didn't give it to you." I say playfully causing a smile to form on his face.

"Are you trying out?" He asks me softly as he points to the stage.

"Oh no. I don't sing." I mumble as I look over at him.

"Has anybody been good so far?" He asks me as curiosity filled his voice.

"Nobody special so far." I say as I look back up at the nervous kids.

"Well I'm auditioning and I've never done anything like this before so if I surprise you... you have to tell me your name." He says as he extends his hand out to me waiting for me to shake it.

"Okay random boy.. deal." I say as I shake his hand.

"My names Ricky by the way." He says as he stands up and picks up his guitar.

I shake my head as I watch him walk up onto the stage. He doesn't look like a theatre kid so I doubt he's actually good. I watch him talk to the director and then he takes his place on stage. He sends me a smile as he starts strumming his guitar. The second he starts singing I feel my heart start to quicken and my entire body to feel hot. His voice was mesmerizing and beautiful. I was taken back by how talented he was. He kept direct eye contact with me the entire time he sang. No one had ever made me feel this special kind of way when they sang. When he finished he simply walked off the stage and headed towards me. He sat down next to me as I felt his eyes on me.

"Alison. My names Alison." I say causing him to smile.

"Nice to meet you Alison." He says softly.

"I wasn't expecting you to be good." I say as a laugh leaves my mouth.

"Thanks... I guess.." He says as he laughs with me.

"The cast list will be sent out tonight. You all can go home." The director tells everyone.

"Well I hope to see you around." Ricky says to me as he stands up.

"Bye." I say softly as I watch him leave.

"Allison will you make sure everything is where it is suppose to be and ready for tomorrow." The director tells me.

I nod in response as she leaves. Everyone empty's the theatre leaving me alone. I walk up on the stage and look around making sure everything is clean. I walk backstage and smile as I think of all the memories from the last show. I walk up to the prop room and take a look around. I notice a piece of paper sticking out from underneath a box. I grab it and examine it.

"Sunset Curve playing the Orpheum one night only. What the heck is the Orpheum?" I mumble as I scan the paper.

I see a picture of four boys. The date on the paper read 1994. I look at the picture again and my eye lands on a brown hair boy. He was very attractive.

"To bad your like forty right now." I mumble to myself as I keep my eyes on the paper.

I flip the paper over and notice writing on the back. The handwriting was pretty awful but I could still make out the words.

"Today's the day everything changes. Sunset Curve is making History."  I read out loud.

Before I could read anything else a loud static noise clogged my ears. I noticed a flash of light appear in front of me. Three boys appeared from the light and slammed onto the ground. They all groaned as they rolled on the ground. I blinked a million times to confirm if what I was seeing was real.

"Owww. Where are we?" The blonde boy groaned as he struggled to stand up.

I screamed as I immediately sprinted out of the prop room.

"I don't wanna die!" I screamed as I sprinted off the stage and into the theatre.

I turned my head back to see if they were chasing after me but immediately ran into something.

"We have to stop meeting like this. I came back because I forgot my guitar." A familiar voice said as a laugh left his mouth.

I quickly look up and saw Ricky hovering over me causing me to scream.

"Woah are you alright?" He asked me softly as he helped me stand up.

"There...there were three boys.. up in the prop room... they just appeared out of thin air..." I stuttered as I pointed at the stage.

"You must of hit your head... here sit down I'll get you a glass of water." He said calmly as he sat me down in a chair.

"I didn't hit my head.. I saw three boys up there." I say as I point up at the prop room.

"Okay.. I'll go get you some water and I'll go look for three boys that appeared out of thin air in the prop room." Ricky reassured me as he headed backstage.

The ghosts be like 👁👄👁 anyways hope you enjoyed this first part 🥰

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