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Allison's POV

"How were tryouts last night?" Emma asks me as I close my locker door.

"Uhhh... strange but Ricky has an insane voice and you know a boy who can sing already has a piece of my heart." I tell her causing her to laugh.

"Do you think he's going to get the lead?" Emma asks me softly.

"Yeah... nobody else was even close to having a voice like his." I explain to her as she closes her locker.

"Hey... Allison!" I heard a male voice yell.

I turned around and noticed Ricky walking over towards me.

"I'll see you around." Emma says to me as she points at Ricky and widens her eyes.

"Hey Ricky." I say as a smile forms on my face.

"Do you feel better today? I was worried about you yesterday with the whole seeing people in the props room." Ricky says softly as a slight laugh leaves his mouth.

"Yeah... I'm better now I was just dehydrated." I lie to him.

He nods his head in response. His brown eyes were so soft and adorable as I stared into them.

"You do crew for the show right.... do you..." Ricky begins to say but I tuned his voice out at the sight of something appearing out of thin air behind him.

My eyes widen as I realize Luke had appeared behind Ricky.

"What are you doing here?" I ask Luke sharply.

"What do you mean... I already told you." Ricky says in a confused voice.

Luke laughs as he leans his back against the locker so he is now standing besides Ricky. He was wearing a black tank top that showed off his arms.

"Oh... not you... I uh... I... keep going on with your story." I stutter as I stare at Luke.

Ricky looks to where I am looking and then gives me a concerned look. He couldn't see Luke.

"Anyways... I was wondering if you knew when the cast list would be posted?" Ricky asks me.

"Umm...." I try and think but my eyes could only focus on Luke.

He walked behind Ricky and pointed at his hair.

"He's got fluffy hair." Luke says playfully as he stands next to Ricky.

"Do you think he's cute?" Luke asks playfully causing me to shake my head.

"Stop." I whisper sharply as my face got red.

"Stop what? I was just asking you about the cast list." Ricky says softly.

"Uh..... yeah it will be posted tonight." I say quickly.

Luke blows on Rickys face as he laughs. Ricky places his hand on his face as he looks around.

"Must of been a fly." Ricky mumbles as he rubs his cheek.

"I uh... I have to go the bathroom." I say as I glare at Luke.

"Oh okay... uh bye." Ricky replies awkwardly.

Luke follows me towards the bathroom as he can't stop laughing. I start to walk inside but Luke doesn't follow me in.

"Are you coming?" I ask him sharply.

"I can't go in there." Luke says softly as he points to the women's sign.

"Your a ghost." I whisper in disbelief.

"That's a violation of privacy." He says innocently.

I groan as I walk into the janitors closet. Luke follows me inside and closes the door.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him in disbelief.

"I got bored." He says as he smiles at me.

I groan as I shake my head.

"Everyone is going to think I'm crazy if you keep showing up at school." I tell him sharply.

I then realize how close I am to him due to how small the closet was. He was towering over me as he stared down at me with a smile on his face. I felt nervous being so close to him. Why was I nervous? He isn't even real. He's just a ghost.

"Come on.... it's going to be so fun having me follow you around all day." Luke says playfully.

"No... because everytime I try and talk to you eveyone will think I'm insane. I'll see you later at theatre." I say sharply as I walk through him.

I don't know why but walking through him made me feel a weird kind of way.

"Wait..." he said softly as he followed behind me.

He tried to grab my hand to stop me from walking but his hand went straight through mine.

"Bye!" I yell as I pretend to wave at someone behind him.

I took a deep breath as I headed to my first class. My eyes landed on Ricky as he pointed to a free seat next to him. I sent him a smile as I sat next to him.

"Sorry I was weird earlier I felt dizzy like last night." I tell Ricky as I set my book bag down.

"No worries. I hate history class but you being here makes it better." Ricky whispers playfully causing butterflies to enter my stomach.

Our teacher told us to be quiet so Ricky started passing notes to me.


I know your on crew but can you sing?

Hahah no... but you have an amazing voice though

Thanks... I really hope I get the part but if I don't I will do crew with you

Omg yess that would be so much fun


I went to pass the note to Ricky but I accidentally dropped it on the floor. I bent down to grab it but my hand collided with Ricky.

"Sorry." I mumble as I move my hand away.

"Your fine it was kinda my fault." Ricky whispers as he picks up the note.

He was still bent over so his body was closer to mine. He hands the note back to me as his eyes were locked on mine. I took the note out of his hand as I felt my fingers brush against his hand. Our eyes were still locked as I felt butterflies enter my stomach. I heard a familiar whooshing sound as Luke appeared directly in between me and Ricky. I quickly turned my head away from Ricky as I cleared my throat.

"I told you to leave." I whispered sharply as I turned my head away from Ricky.

"I bet you missed me though." Luke says playfully as he appears beside me.

He had a stupid smirk stuck on his face as he sat next to me. I looked over to my right and sent Ricky a small smile before turning back towards Luke.

Luke really said imma ruin this moment 💀😂

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