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Allison's POV

"That's not the right answer." Luke said playfully as he hovered over my shoulder.

"Shut up." I said through gritted teeth as I turned around to look at the boy behind me.

"I thought you would be more excited to see me." Luke says playfully as he sits on the edge of my desk.

"I'm in class." I whisper sharply causing Ricky to look over at me.

"You need help with anything?" Ricky asked me softly as he looked over at my worksheet.

"Actually... yeah." I reply softly.

Ricky walked over to my desk and leaned over my shoulder as he looked at my worksheet. Luke watched us with a confused look.

"Which one do you need help with?" Ricky asked me softly.

"Uh that one." I mumble as I realize how close he is to me.

He starts to explain what the answer is but I couldn't focus as I stared into his eyes. I watched as he laughed as he continued to talk about the answer and his smile was so contagious. I heard a familiar whooshing sound and turned my attention to Luke but he was already gone.

"You got it?" Ricky asked me softly.

A laugh leaves my mouth as I shake my head.

"May I?" Ricky asks as he gestures to my pencil.

I hand it to him as I feel his hand brush against mine causing chills to run through my body. The bell rings and me and Ricky go our separate ways. It was lunch time so I took the opportunity to sneak into the theatre.

"Luke! Reggie! Alex!" I yell as I walk up to the prop room.

I don't hear a response as I walk into the room. My eyes land on a shirtless Luke putting on a tank top.

"Sorry I'll knock next time." I mumble nervously.

"Your fine.... I just thought you were busy with that guy." Luke says under his breath as he put his shirt on.

"I was in class and I told you not to see me during class." I say sharply.

"I'm sorry but I was bored and wanted to see you but you were obviously busy with that guy." Luke replies sharply.

"Ricky? He's human so I can actually talk to him without people thinking I'm crazy." I say in disbelief.

"Wow pull the human card." Luke mumbles as he walks through me.

I sigh as I run a hand through my hair. Why was Luke making this such a big deal? I walked into the theatre but I heard the sound of someone strumming their guitar. My eyes landed on Luke sitting on the edge of the stage strumming on his guitar. He was humming along to some song. I sat next to him causing him to look over at me. He continued to play the song that I was unfamiliar with. He sang lyrics from it and I hummed along.

"Wanna sing with me?" He asked me softly.

"Oh... I can't sing." I reply nervously.

"Everyone can sing." Luke says with a smile on his face.

He bit his lip as he focused on strumming the guitar and I took into account how adorable he is.

"Come on... you got this just join in." He told me.

I sighed as I gave in and quietly started to sing along.

"I can't hear you!" He yelled as he smirked at me.

I gave in and sang loudly causing Luke's eyes to widen as he sang along with me. His eyes were locked on me as he seemed to be in shock. He harmonized with me as our voices echoed throughout the entire theatre.

"You have an amazing voice." Luke said in disbelief as he stared at me.

I felt my face get hot as I slightly shook my head.

"I don't...." I began to say but the sound of someone's footsteps caused me to quickly turn my attention away from Luke.

"Hey... I was looking for you..... was that you singing?" Ricky asked me softly as he walked towards the stage.

"Uh yeah." I reply nervously.

"Who was singing with you?" Ricky asked me softly.

"What? He could hear me?" Luke said in an excited tone.

"Uh it was just my phone." I lie as Ricky nods his head.

"You told me you couldn't sing but you have an amazing voice." Ricky said in disbelief as he sat beside me on the stage.

"Thanks I don't like singing in front of people." I mumble as I stare at me feet.

"But you sang in front of me." Luke said playfully as I felt both of their eyes on me.

"Why aren't you eating lunch?" Ricky asked me softly.

"Just wanted to come in here for a bit and then head to lunch." I say as I glance over at Ricky.

They both heard her sing 😍

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