Then without any verbal response, he thudded his head down on the desk again, ready to fall asleep.

"Come on Foster, detention is over." I complained, wanting him to get up already but he didn't listen.

"You know Vincent is going to be out there somewhere, right?" He mumbled into his arm, looking more relaxed than ever.

I glanced at the door wondering if Vincent was going to bust through it ready for a fight, but nothing happened. So I stand ready to pull Foster out of the seat and drag him out of here, but really, that wasn't going to happen because of so many levels. One being his weight over me and the fact he probably wouldn't let me get too far doing that.

"Well, then let's get to my car and avoid him." I said and pulled up on Foster's shirt but he just slapped my hand lightly away.

" interrupted a good dream, Maggot." He stood, and I squinted at him suspiciously because I didn't know where he was going with that comment. Foster didn't say another word about it and only stares down at me somewhat peeved.

"What you going to 'punish' kiss me because of it," I glared up at him and watched as he stretched his back out, twisting his body around. It probably hurt from sleeping bent over that desk for so long. He yawned, then tilted his head thinking about what I had said before stilling his movements.

"I can't decide if you're saying that as if it's a bad thing or you're bringing up to remind me..." He leaned in closer to me, pushing my hair back from my face before he cupped the back of my neck with that hand.

My eyes closed reflexively, expecting his kiss.

He, instead, changed the subject, "What are we going to do if we see him? Just so I'm clear." My eyes flew open and I gazed at his lips, which just a second ago seemed to be about to touch mine. Though, now his lips were lifted into a slight smirk, and he released me.

His hand on the back of my neck went back into the front pocket of his jeans, and he leaned against his desk waiting for an answer to his question.

After a moment, my mind began to work but that was mostly due to his smirk increasing in size over the effect he had on me, "Um... run, I guess." I finally answered,

"We are going to outrun the star soccer player. Good plan, Maggot."

Yeah not the best, I had to agree but, "If he's out there, and I mean if, you will not fight him." I told him sternly.

"Maggot. I could have this dealt with in seconds—"

"Oh yeah, and what would happen to you after? Is your dad going to use the same excuse, and do you actually think that will work? You're willing to get expelled for this guy?" Foster looked away from me, " Didn't think so. I'll think of... something." I shifted on me, realizing I had no plan.

"You know, if you weren't involved I'd already beaten the shit out of him."

My eyes rolled, "Foster, he got detention because of me... leading to him getting benched. He's just using this as an opportunity to get revenge on you. If not for me, this wouldn't be happening. So I have to do something because I don't want you to get hurt or expelled since I didn't just push him away when he groped me."

"You're blaming yourself for what Vincent has already been doing to girls for years...? Maggie, I thought you were better than that." He stared me down annoyed, before thinking better of it, and looked away.

I ignored his snappy comment, "It doesn't change the fact that what's happening now was due to me." I said crossing my arms over my chest and leaning my weight onto one leg. He wasn't going to change my mind anytime soon. My guilty conscience wouldn't let me.

Figuring Out FosterWhere stories live. Discover now