Happy Death

115 6 13

     Probably having a fair amount of dark humor in it. 

     Maybe Dream tries to off himself and is happy with it. Maybe Reaper saves him. Maybe Dream is mad at Reaper and Reaper can't understand why. People are usually angry and resist being reaped or just avoid him, but Dream wants to be reaped. Reaper refuses repeatedly. 

     After Reaper refuses him a couple or so times maybe Dream has had enough and decides to touch Reaper. Reaper is upset, but is surprised when Dream doesn't die. Reaper gets excited because Dream can touch him. He wants to hang out with Dream more now that he knows this. Now he just has to get Dream to stop trying to off himself for just one moment. 

     ...It might be harder than he thought. As he does this, he gets to know Dream. 

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