Chapter 19

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The party was going well, your cute little mech rushing about with a few of his friends. You hummed warmly and lifted a tray in your servo up as your little dino came barrelling through the kitchen laughing loudly and happily as he was being chased by the other small bots. 

"Careful luv!" You called out with a smile before continuing your walk to the other two parents who had come to with their sparklings 

"Thanks again for bringing your little ones, Asher has been so excited about them coming over." You said with a smile and placed the tray of snacks down neatly on the coffee table 

"Oh (y/n) it's no problem! Asher is such a little sweetspark that it's a nonissue to let my little Powerglide come over to play!" Your friend chirped warmly her wings twitching happily

"Y-yeah, i-its-s n-not a p-problem-m (y-y/n)." The other femme added with a smile taking one of the small snacks from the tray, "b-besides-s i-its-s n-nice t-to s-s-see y-you."

You smiled and chuckled, "You guys are too kind, really, I know I can't give you much in return." 

"It's fine girl!" The mother you sat beside nudged your shoulder with a laugh, "You've gotta have more confidence in yourself! You're such a good host!"

You shook your helm, "Oh stop-" You paused when your little mech rushed up to you planting his servos on your knee with a warm hum, "Yes little one?"

"Can I have a snack?" He asked tilting his helm a little blinking up at you happily smiling happily at you 

"Go ahead babe." You chuckled warmly stroking his helm a little, "Don't get too dry though you get to open your gifts soon." 

He smiled brightly and nodded happily and hopped a little over to the coffee table to grab some of the snacks from the tray before running off to somewhere else in the house. Shaking your helm amused you smiled happily at his actions, he's such a silly little mech.

The party went along well, the little mech was happy and excited as he tore into the colorful paper of the gifts that had been bought for him. Excluding the one that you don't know the origin of, that one was gonna be checked over later. His happy laughter was something that made your spark warm from his joy.  

Soon enough though his friends had to go leaving the happy little dino with hugs and promises to play together again soon. You smiled softly and waved your friends away and continued to clean up the decorations and the wrapping paper that had been spread throughout your home. 

Taking a glance at the clock you swallowed back your worry, Grimlock should be arriving soon to meet his son. A knocking on the door caused you to jerk in surprise and set your broom to the side before walking to get it. Shaking a little you opened the door and... it was your boss. Any nervousness melted away as a bouquet of flowers were shoved in your direction.

"Hello (y/n) I missed you at work today, why'd you take it off?" He asked trying to peek into your home 

"A personal day." You said simply tossing the flowers into the trash by the door, "Aren't you supposed to work a double today?" 

"Well yes, but I came over to see if you wanted to have lunch with me on my lunch break, I feel like you owe this to me after all~" He chuckled playfully

"Sorry, I've already ate, I'm sorry I'm in the middle of something-" You said as you started to close the door only to be surprised by a pede in your door

"Maybe I could help? After all two helms are better than one." He said trying to open your door wider, "Besides you've never given me a tour."

Before you responded a familiar voice spoke up from behind your boss causing him to jerk in surprise and whip his helm around before his optics rose up the massive frame of the bot behind him.

"I don't think she wants you in her home."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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