Chapter 13

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The date, could you really call it a date?,the dinner with the dinobot was awkward to say the least. You really didn't know how to start to talk to the massive bot, and he certainly didn't know either. It didn't help that both of you never really knew each other to begin with. 

"So..." You drawled stirring your tea a little 

"How.. How is the sparkling?" He asked fiddling with his digits 

"Hm? He's alright... Well behaved, a sweet spark." You smiled a little 

"T-thats good!" He smiled a little, but it fell, "I'm sorry.."

That caught you by surprise, "You're sorry?"

"Yeah... I never meant to make you carry by little one and then never help you raise 'im.." He looked down, "I'd understand if your furious with me..."

"No... I.." You swallowed a little looking for the right words, "I've moved on from mad..."

"You have?" 

You glanced down at your tea optics dimming a little as you sighed, "I had too, I was going to be a carrier... I couldn't be mad that I got a wondrous little star at the terribly wrong time.." 

"Then what are you feeling?" He asked almost hesitantly 

You tilted your helm back with a long sigh, "You sure do ask the hard questions.." You chuckled a little 

"I'm sorry?"

This caused another chuckle to drop from your vocalizer as you took a sip of tea. It felt nice talking to him, awkward, but nice.

"To answer your question, I don't know." 

"You don't know?"

"Its complicated." You chuckled

"I don't like complicated." He said 

"Heh, neither do I." You offered him a smile, "But I know this is nice."

He began to grin in a broad childish, "Really?"

You nodded a little and added, "Actually talking to you is nice as well."

He beamed even more. This was an almost a completely different mech then the dangerous hired dinobot from oh-so long ago. You tapped your digits over the small glass cup, it was odd thinking back then and seeing this mech out of his alt mode and actually talking to you. You perked a little from your thoughts when your food was placed down.

"So... whats his name?" Grimlock asked as he looked at his food

You looked at him, "Whose?" 

"The sparkling's?" He inquired a little confused himself 

You shook your helm and blinked, "Oh yes, his designation is Asher."

He grinned, "Thats a cool name!"

You chuckled softly, "That what he likes to say."

"Because it is!" He laughed as he started to eat 

"I suppose it is.." You smiled softly 

The conversation was much lighter from there on out, many laughs shared between the both of you. It warmed your spark talking to such a sweet mech, and seeing how much he as changed made you hopeful. Of? You didn't quite know yet.

After paying you walked out with the large mech in tow. He was happy and bouncing a little as he walked, just like your son. You couldn't help but smile at him as his adorable antics. 

"It's getting late, do you need me to walk you back home?" He asked humming 

You chuckled softly, "Do you even know where we are currently?" 

He looked around humming, "Nah. But I can sure figure it out!"

You snickered softly and smiled, "How about I walk you home?"

"Okay!" He smiled happily 

This caused a smile to grow on your own features as you absentmindedly took his servo and started to walk back towards the location he had sent you before. You didn't notice the blush the dinobot had gotten from holding your servo. It didn't take long to take him to the same broken concrete steps.

"Well we're here." You hummed 

He nodded and hesitantly released your servo and started uo the steps, "Yeah.."

"Grimlock?" You called softly 

"Y-yes?" He looked towards you 

"Are you... doing anything important next week?"  

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