Chapter 17

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The days were winding down towards the creation day of your little bundle of joy. While it was good in theory, there was still so many stressors weighing down on you that it almost hurt. 

You rubbed over your spinal strut as you walked out of your room. Your thoughts still weighed heavily on you, your helm was in hard ache for what seemed like forever. Heaving a soft sigh you sat yourself down on the couch and stretched back a little groaning softly at the popping feeling. But you paused a little optics settling on a little package sitting nicely on the coffee table.

"Asher? Dear, did you leave a gift for me on the coffee table?" You asked out loud for your sparkling

"Wat gift!?" Called the little dinobot from the other room 

You narrowed your optics a little and slowly picked up the gift. It was prestinely wrapped with a nice little bow. Inspecting it in servos you noticed the tag slowly you turned it to face you. Opening the small folded tag you read over the message inside.

'Dearest (y/n),

Inside is something familiar to you that you had sold away, and might I say it was quite difficult to find. When you make your decision please, come and whip these sparklings into shape. I'll keep the door open for you. You know where.



You immediatily placed the gift down on the coffee table again and did a vent check causing your sparkling to follow you excited thinking it was a game. When you finished closing all of the vents and windows you gave the little sparkling a gentle helm rub and a soft forehelm kiss and sent him back to his room to play. He did so with a happy laugh.

You smiled a little at him and walked back to the den dreading the gift on the table. You sat back down on the couch and picked up the gift again. With a soft sigh you slowly pulled open the decorative bow you let the (f/c) fall to the floor. Swallowing thickly you tore open the nice wrapping paper and catiously you opened the box. 

You exhaled shakily seeing just what was within the box. Reaching into the box you brushed your digits over the familiar object a soft sigh living your derma. Your digits followed along it until you reached the handle, hesitantly you wrapped your servo around it. The weight was a nice familiarity, though the handle has been altered since last you had it, it was still the same item. 

Pulling it out of the box you lifted it up against the light watching the pattern etch against the barrel filled with light. With a  sigh you brought it down again into your lap and rubbed your thumb against the fadding pattern.

"It certainly is the gun...." You murmured softly, "I didn't think I'd see it again.." You chuckled softly 

You glanced to the window with a soft sigh unsure about your next move. The path ahead is foggy, and you just couldn't figure out what to do. You lifted your gaze to the clock and watch the hands tick away for awhile. Your processor ticked away as well as you tried to make your decision. 

"Stupid." You huffed under your vents standing up, "stupid."

You glanced at the gun in your hold and placed it into your subspace.


You walked to place your little Asher to berth rubbing your face. 

"I'm stupid."

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