Chapter 5

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3rd pov


Grimlock had been on the edge of his pedes since he had seen his little look-a-like on that train. Strongarm was doing her best to help the anxious dinobot the best she could, she couldn't exactly go through all the all of the possible bots records who were on the train that day would be not only time consuming, but how could she possibly justify doing that?

She couldn't walk up to her superior and say 'yeah, I need to go through the train buying toll of such and such a day, it maybe violating bots privacy rights, but don't worry its for a friend!' That just wouldn't work out in anyones favor. 

So they were stopped before their search could even really begin, but the large green dinobot was determined to find his sparkling and his carrier. So both he and sideswipe had taken to just asking bots if they know anything about a little dinobot and a femme. 

The answers were very varied from some just  flat out refusing to help, to some helping, the most interesting one was the hiss Grimlock got from one of the bots he asked. Then Sides had said cyber-cats probably aren't much help, but you never know!

The bot who was the most help was the old femme who was feeding the birds, Grimlock had to apologize several times for scaring away her birds, she didn't mind though. She said he wasn't the first dinobot to scare her birds away.

"Wait... He's not the first dinobot to scare your birds?" Sideswipe asked the old femme 

She chuckled, "Oh heavens no, he's just the first adult one who has though, so he has that." 

"Who's the other dinobot may I ask?" Sides asked glancing at Grimlock with a thumbs up

"Oh, I don't know the cute little guys name, just that he comes through her with his carrier sometimes to go to the park or the Center of New Iacon. He likes to sit right beside me while his carrier gets their tickets, I don't mind watching him." She smiled as a few birds began to return 

"How often?" Grimlock pressed 

"Hmm... I wouldn't know the exact number, mainly due to I am not here everyday, but when the little guy is here he brightens my day right up. Warms my spark to see a sparkling so happily living his life." She smiled softly 

Sideswipe nodded and looked at his friend, "Lets go find strongarm and tell her what we've found."

"Thank ya ma'am!" Grimlock said as he left with the red mech 

The femme smiled softly and chuckled tossing some more food out to the birds. Then yelped and laughed as a familiar little Dino bot ran over scaring the birds away yet again.

"Hiya ma'am!" The little mech chuckled as he climbed up onto the bench, "Did I scareded your birdies again?" 

"You did sweet spark, but its okay, they always come back." She smiled, "Where are you exploring today?"

"The park! Mum had saided that I have been gooded, She saided I might get a biscuit on the way home!" The little mech beamed 

"Oh, well thats good." She hummed, "I had some mechs asking about you and your carrier today, do you know a green mech and a red mech?" 

"Uhhh my intuctor is a green and one of my classmates is red!" He smiled 

"No sweetie, hmm how do I put this..." She hummed, "I might have to tell your carrier this, can you take me to her?" 

"Yes ma'am!" The little mech chuckled jumping off the bench and offering her a servo to lead her with 

"Such a gentlemech." she chuckled and followed the little dinobot to the line with his carrier in it.

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