Chapter 12

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Asher's creation day drew ever closer and he still has yet to mention anything about it, which surprised you, but this was Asher, he gets easily distracted. But that wasn't the only thing you had to deal with this week, but it was another dinobot related thing.

You hummed as you got the ingredients out for biscuits when your comms started to buzz. Confused you pulled up the number, which was one you didn't recognize nor have saved. You half debated on not answering, but then remembered the older dinobot you asked to call you. Steeling your nerves you answered.

":;Hello?;:" You spoke 

":;Oh! Umm- Hi...;:" Said the oddly familiar voice on the other end

":;I was wondering when you would call.;:" You stated placing a bowl down on the counter 

":;What? Really!?;:" He sounded to be growing excited 

":;yes, I asked you to call.;:" You hid a chuckle

":;Oh.. you did.. What did you want to talk about?;:" He asked 

You swallowed thickly and sighed softly,":;About everything...;:" 

He was quiet for awhile as though he didn't know how to respond,":;Yeah...;:" 

":;Let me take you out to eat, these things are easier to talk about face to face.;:" You knew that wasn't true, but it didn't feel right talking to him about this over comms.

":;Okay! Where should we go?;:" He asked growing excited again 

Once again you had to hide a chuckle, ":;I'll think of something, send me your location and I'll pick you up about say seven?;:"

":;That sounds good!;:" 

":;Good, I'll see you then.;:" You said before closing out the comm

You knew Asher was at his friends house, your co-worker didn't mind letting him spend the night. So at least for an hour or two you will be out of your all too silent home. You went back to making your biscuits with a soft sigh. 


You walked towards the location sent to you. You could feel the nervous tingling begin to creep up your spinal strut, you didn't know why you were getting so nervous, but it was slowly spreading through out your frame. You shook your helm a little and hopped up a little on there crumbling stairs of the front stoop of the house. 

You took note of the peeling paint of the exterior as you rung the door bell. You folded your servos behind your back and rocked a little on your pedes as you waited. You could hear several voices talking inside and listened as they drew nearer. You raised a ridge as you waited and tried to hear the muffled argument going on just beyond the door. 

You blinked when the door suddenly opened to be met with an awkward dinobot standing there with a bouquet of kind of smooshed flowers. He was pushed from a bot behind him urging him forward. Gridlock gave you a awkward and cute smile and shyly offered you the bouquet.

"These are for you..." He said with a shy chuckle

You studied the partially crushed flowers and took them with a small smile, "Thank you... Are You ready to go out to eat?"

He beamed and nodded.

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