BLU Team vs Hebijo Academy

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Hebijo Academy

Soldier suddenly lets out a primal war cry and begins charging at Hebijo students. He shoots one with a shotgun as he charges forward. She blocks the buckshot, but it was still powerful enough to blast her back into a wall, knocking her unconscious.

Then, still charging forward, he turned around and fired a rocket at the feet of another Hebijo student, sending her flying to the other side of the Academy.

He then continued his charge.

"MAGGOTS!!!" He shouted.

As he charged, a Hebijo student rushed at him with her weapon. Unfortunately for her, she chose to do so at the wrong moment. Just as she was about kill him, he then Rocket Jumped onto the roof. The blast of the jump sent the student flying backwards.

Soldier ran along the roof of the Academy. He eventually hopped back down to the ground. As he fell, he fired another rocket, blasting three more students backwards.

When Soldier landed on the ground, he landed in front of a certain green haired emo. Hikage took out one of her knives, ready to stab Soldier in the back, thinking that he was an unsuspecting target.

She was immediately proven wrong when Soldier suddenly turned around and  wapped her in the face with a shovel.

She was immediately proven wrong when Soldier suddenly turned around and  wapped her in the face with a shovel

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(A.N. Replace it with BLU Soldier and Hikage.)

Meanwhile, Demo was doing what he did best.

And that was blowing shit up.

Knives and bullets came flying at him, however he was able to outrun them.

"Not one of you is gonna survive this!" He shouted, unaware that everyone they fought so far was unconscious and not dead.

He kept on running through a hallway. Two students suddenly jumped in front of him, thinking they were about to get an easy kill. Unfortunately for them, they were dealing with the Demoman. He immediately launched two grenades at the students. The blasts sent the girls flying through the walls and into the courtyard.

As he charged forward, Demo looked behind him and saw a girl chasing him. This girl was named Imu. She figured that she would catch up to the cyclops and kill him. Now, she is definitely capable of doing that. However, there was one thing that she didn't take into account.

She didn't consider the fact that the Scotsman was a good demoman.

So, you can imagine her surprise when a blue grenade bounced off a wall and blasted her into another room.

Demo continued his charge through the interior of the building.

Then he was met with a girl who wielded a giant sword.

"Well, you're certainly a decent fighter. But I'm afraid this is where you have to die." Yomi said.

"Hahaha! Ya' got guts, lassie! I respect tha'! So, let me make this more fair for ya!" Demo cackled.

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