31. First Battle Pt. 2 (Akira's POV)

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With the second whistle blew out of that wretched Cecelia's lips, the Black-Eye Beings start attacking while she runs away. Oh, she is not getting away if I have anyway in it, as my thought lingers on her figure, I start getting into the trees and chase her. Jumping from branches to branches until she stops in another small clearing and starts talking to herself. "Hahaha... finally I can get rid of that stupid girl, Akira. She has been a thorn to my side long enough, especially when she can ruin everything in my plan."

Silently lowering myself down, but still hidden underneath the foliage of the tree, I continue to eavesdrop before attacking her. "I will show my loyalty and how powerful my master can be to those pathetic Gods. Once his plan succeeds, he will make me his Queen. Oh, I can't wait for it to come true!" Then she stops in her tracks with a blank look on her face which looks a lot like mind-linking.

Few minutes later, she comes to as she has this happy face while her snakes comes to rub on her cheeks. "My pretties, everything is going according to our plan," as she caresses them gently.

Okay, I think that is enough since I won't find out who is the mastermind behind all this. With that thought in mind, I quietly went behind the tree and land on the ground without a sound. Knowing that snakes can detect heat signatures, I have to act quickly before she or any of her slithery fiends notice me. Silently taking out my kunai knives, holding my breath as I sprint towards her.

I was inches away from severing her head with my kunai knives, she turns around, dodges from my attack and swiping her claws at me. Jumping back as we start facing each other in crouching positions. "I always knew that you are sneaky as a snake Cecelia, but this new look does suit you better. After all, you cannot hide who you truly are." I taunt her, so she will attack first and be blinded by rage.

"You wish, you could be powerful and beautiful as me!" She smirks as if this will be an easy kill. Her snakes' eyes glows red as I feel darkness and negativity try to enter my soul. Luckily, it's unable to enter since I am not innocent as I appear to be, and I have no desire for anything.

"So that's how Black-Eye Beings came to be. You turned them when they are at their lowest and manipulate their souls to do your bidding. Unfortunately for you, I'm not an easy prey for you to manipulate or to kill." I said, eying her movement, calculating every possibility which either leads to death, draw, or least possible surviving.

"It seems you having been doing your research, Akira. I'm impress that you are smart enough to find clues of what is going on." Tilting her head, staring into my eyes.

"Lets just say, I'm not an ordinary person, but a demoness instead." With that, I throw my kunai knife at her. Charging at her as I have another kunai in my hands, Cecelia moves out of the way, charging head on as well.

We meet in the middle as I aim my kunai at her heart while she swipes her claws, and her snakes strike towards my face. Ducking down from her attack, I quickly kick her feet out from underneath her, but she manages to flip over me. She manage to claw my back while roll away and throw a kunai at her heels. Manages to slice deeply into her Achilles heel, forcing her to be on her knees as her snakes hisses at me from anger. Both of us breathing heavily, looking eyes to see who will make the next move until we both charge at the same time, continuing our fight.

Fifteen minutes later... Breathing heavily with lashes from her claws littered all over my body as well Cecelia isn't doing pretty good either with fewer lashes than I do. Unlucky for her, my kunai knives are lace with mixtures of poison, probably won't killer but will slow her down tremendously. Cecelia glares at me as her body tenses from the poison coursing through her body, she grits out, "What the hell did you do to me?"

Giving her a sly smirk, "Well... Let's see, all my kunai knives are coated in varieties of poisons such as, king cobra, tarantula, murderous wasp, and all sorts of toxic plants. Ah wait there's one more, the pufferfish, it's my favorite poisonous fish of the ocean. Granted for a demi-god, it will only slow you down and not kill you like I wish it does." As I start getting into my position, deep down I know that I'm losing too much blood again and that I need to end this quickly.

All her snakes hisses at me, "Your right, it won't kill me but slow me down. Unfortunately for you, you look like been thrown into a shredder and spit right out of it." Cecelia says as her body relaxes with a far away look in her eyes. "Hehehe... It looks like your friends and lover boy back in the clearing are fighting a losing battle. I hope you aren't too fond of them since my minions are turning them into mincemeat." Laughing as she folds her arms under her chest.

Tensing up as she mentions my friends, balling up my fists, "What do you mean by that?"

"Oh, I mean is that your friends are close to death's door." She said with a smirk on her face.

"This isn't over yet Cecelia, the war just got started," I sneered at her and run towards the trees. Forcing my legs to go faster and faster to reach to the others, hoping that I will get there in time to save them. Many scenarios running through my head if I don't make it in time would be my worse nightmare and be forever in guilt. I won't let it happen, I will do anything inmy power to save them and even if it costs me my life, I will destroy those Black-EyeBeings.

With those thoughts running through my head, I finally manage arrive to the clearing, but got shock to what I'm seeing. All my friends and the werewolves surrounded by the Black-Eye Beings with no way to escape. Sporting nasty gashes all over their body, some even have bite marks and missing flesh, bleeding out. I need to find out a way to summon that fire again, but how. I know I'm not a kitsune of any kind, but maybe somewhat related to what I discovered.

Thinking many possibilities while watching to see where I can have my opening to save them until I remember stories of Hercules on how he had fought against monsters and even the god Hades. Scrunching my eyebrows together as I slowly piece together as I recall that Gorgons are Demi-Gods related to Greece. Maybe... Just maybe, I am not human that I thought I was, but almost like Hercules or something stronger than a Demi-God.

With a deep breath from a burning sensation going through my body as if awaken something deep inside me. Feeling more powerful than before, using my instinct I got all the Black-Eye Beings thrown against the wind to the farthest from my friends as I appear in front of them. Lifting my hands as blue fire bursts in my fingertips, making them larger into a fireball and throwing at the monsters, bursting into flames. Their cries of pain starts as their bodies burn and continues higher and higher until silence reigns over the clearing and all that is left is ashes from their bodies.

Breathing deeply while my body starts to become numbfrom using my power, I tried to stay awake in order to see how bad theconditions of my friends and the werewolves are. But I was unable to do withoutany more energy and ringing in my ears as I feel my body fall towards the ground.I didn't feel the pain from falling, just the sparks of Max catching me, barelyseeing him as I notice he's talking due to his lips moving, I can't understandwhat he is saying. Yet I was too weak to stay consciousness as I pass out and let the darkness consumes me.

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