2. Dark Past pt. 2

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          Years went by, the group I was in dwindled down due to them taking the weaker girls and boys out and never saw them again. I knew what happened due to been forced to kill one of the girls who failed their assessment, I didn't want to do it, I cried and begged them not to, but they grabbed my hand and forced me to shoot her. Seen her dead body on the floor, blood flowed out of the hole and puddled around her, but what's worse is that her eyes were still open with fear and emptiness inside. Then learned that the organization hide in plain sight as an orphanage, it isn't, seen kids come in as the same age that I did, and I hate it. Hate it so much that I would do anything to stop this, just had to lay low to find the right time and acted without emotions to know that I am up to something. The missions that I have been on, is people that they wanted dead, either it's their enemies or the government spies getting to close for comfort. Done many of those jobs, kills me inside to do so, except for one government official I broke and pretended to kill him and explain that he must hide and not be seen. He explained to me that he can help, gave me a button small enough that no one would notice and then further explained he's not the actual official just a copycat and a spy.

           A day went by, I waited for my opportunity to press the button, before I could, the people in charge realized I did not kill my target and was sent into the torture chamber. There I was whipped, cut, straggled, and drowned, but I still held strong in order to save those younger than me and give peace that died too young. Days turned into weeks, slowly getting weaker and weaker from all the torture I was put through, left hanged by my wrists on the wall and overheard their plans that they will start killing all the children except for the strong five whom are Ghost, Satan, I "Demoness", Reaper, and most dangerous one of all Death. I had to do something, then remembered the button is in my back pocket, thought of a way of swing forward and backward against the wall which were painful on the wrists, but it was worth it after doing it once and prayed that he gets here in time to save those kids and lost consciousness.

          Darkness surrounded me, feeling cold and numb, I was afraid, not for me, but for those kids that are still there. My thoughts drowned me in what ifs, what if I pressed the button sooner, those kids' lives won't be at stake or their harsh trails would be avoided. Constantly going around, felt the dread of how I will never get the chance to protect them like I had promised. Hugged myself, waiting what this darkness wants with me, but nothing changed that felt like an eternity until I fell into abyss. Heard beeping sounds and light showing through my eyelids, opening my eyes, seen the white ceiling. Blinked my eyes open, looking around and realized I was in a hospital room with wires attached to my arms and hands, slowly detached one by one when only one was left. Once that was off the beeping went to constant beep sound, and a doctor and nurse rushed in and noticed I was awake. They had explained that I was in a coma for a month while checking my vitals and drew some blood to make sure nothing popped up to be treated later.

          The following day, I had a familiar visitor, it was that agent with a woman by his side, he introduced himself as Erik and his partner Nikita. Erik explained to me all the younger kids were safe and sound with a new family or a actual orphanage since they show no signs of being dangerous to people around them, but for the older kids around my age were already dead when they had arrived except for four people that included me. Two of them were extremely dangerous and had put up a fight until they knocked them unconscious, and the other boy was wary with deadly vibe. When they found me, I was too close to death and the guy who was wary quickly went to my side to protect me, they explained they are here to help me, so he allowed them to take me and came along. Currently he's with Erik's place waiting for news, not showing any signs of being dangerous to them. When I heard that, I smiled and explained he was my partner name Satan and the other two was Reaper and Death, they are the ones that must always be cautious and that my name is Demoness. Satan and I are different than the other two because we do care about the kids that kept coming in and won't be a threat to anyone. Both Erik and Nikita explained since that we are considered dangerous people, we won't have normal lives and be always living under the government supervision, meaning the band on our arms is both sends electric shocks and GPS locator. The good news though that both Satan and I will be under the watchful eye of the two agents before me, and since we have no names, they already gave Satan name as Cedric, and my name will be Akira.

          Over the next few days, we both learned about the rules and the consequences of fighting of any kind can lead us to be targets and will be set into isolation or high-end prison for the rest of our lives. Understanding that is because we were raised and trained assassins and just from Death and Reaper alone, proves that we are also dangerous and can't be taken lightly. I watched their interactions for a while until I realized they were werewolves, due to blank looks between the two, super hearing when barely muttering the words, and quick reflexes. Cedric also knew this as we both experienced disgusting wolves that we ended up killing turned back into human. Glancing to each other, we sat them down and explain that we knew that they are both werewolves and can't deny it due to fighting ones ourselves. Both looking shocked and admitted that they are, and they are also mates which in terms a married couple for life, they explained everything about them and on occasions they would go out on a run. Cedric and I nodded our heads and told them that their secrets are safe with us and will protect them from packs since they are considered rogue wolves, but they are lone wolves. Also, it is very rare to have human as mates which I don't care about, due to not wanting to be close to any one in my lifetime, it's been taken away when I first got kidnapped.

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