43. Impossible, It Can't Be... (Akira's POV)

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          Groaning, I turn my body to hug Max only to find his side empty, opening up my eyes to see that he is truly not in the room. Not hearing the shower at all, sitting up with arms stretch above my head as I glance at the clock and notice that is half past noon. "Crap!" Bolting out of the bed and rush into the bathroom, turning the shower on with cold water as I start taking my clothes off. Get into the shower, the cold water hits my body instantly making me wide awake, getting my shampoo/conditioner, which I uses Max's because it smells like him, but he doesn't need to know that.

          When I got my hair clean, I quickly scrub my body, noticing all the hickeys around my chest and neck. Blushing deep from remembering last night, I quickly turn the shower off and wrap the towel around me and head towards the sink. Grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste, I brush my teeth while getting ready for training. Wearing a sports bra, black shorts, and black Nike shoes, start racing down the stairs, letting my hair air dry.

          Five minutes later, I see warriors training with an unknown group, I see Conrad and Alec watching on the side, so I decide to join them. "Hey guys, sorry that I'm late, who are the new people?"

           "Hey Akira, this is our warriors from the castle, they are currently catching up with the training on how to work together to defeat those monsters." Conrad said, as I notice Alec has been staring at the same place and absently nodding, agreeing with Conrad.

          Looking to see what got Alec interest that he rather not to look at the whole picture, so far seeing nothing different or new, but I see something that catches my breath. It can't be, how? I thought he was dead... My thoughts are running rampant as I notice the person who looks like an older version of my big brother. Watching how he moves set me on edge as if he has more experience than the other warriors and I can tell that he is studying his opponent. Only one way to find out, I just hope its him and that he is alive. "I'm gonna spar with that guy, he seems like a challenge that would give my skills a workout." I said as I start walking towards him.

          Conrad and Eric look at me like I'm crazy, since their warriors don't know that I'll be their Luna Queen. Rolling my eyes at them, I start walking towards the group, more specifically towards him. Watching him spar against someone who is bigger than him in height and in muscles, I can see he is analyzing things while dodging and make calculating hits against his opponent. Standing by the sidelines, I continue to watch and study his movement, I notice that he never partially shifts like having his canines and claws out, showing his wolf presence.

          Half an hour later, I decide to test his skills against mine, walking up to him as he takes of his water. "I'm impress, how did you learn to fight like that and why isn't your wolf joining in to fight?" I ask him once in front of him.

          Taking a glance at me as he sets his water down, "I've been trained to fight like this, and I don't need my wolf to fight unlike some other people." He says as if its nothing, "now if you will excuse me, I am going to look for another partner," and starts to walk away.

          "Well, you don't have to look because I'm going to spar with you since it's been long since I had a decent fighting partner." I said while walking to the closest empty ring. His words goes through my head as something irks me about him, smooth footwork's, and his answer to my question. Makes me wonder if there is something more than to what he has said. What's more I didn't even hear him or feel his presence following me to the ring, making more curious of who he is.

          "Are you sure you want to be my fighting partner? Cause looks like you won't last a minute against me, little girl." He said as he takes off his shirt, leaving his shorts and shoes on.

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