She nodded gently.

Kuhu: but mishti what do you think happened to abir bro #mystery.

Mishti: I don't know.

Rajshri tried to divert the topic.

Rajshri: Maybe he couldn't come because of the lockdown. you know restrictions and all!

kuhu: Possible. But we have the landline number right? we can call on that.

Mishti: Good idea.

After having breakfast mishti and kuhu decided to call Rajvansh house.

No one took the call. It kept ringing. 

They tried back to back.

Rajshri: Maybe they are busy!! betta try afterwards. 

kuhu nodded.

Mishti: one last time ... please...

kuhu saw her badima.

Rajshri nodded.

Kuhu dialled the number again. 

kuhu: same. no one.

Mishti sat down on the couch.

Mishti: why are they not taking the calls? 

At the same time, 

a voice echoed in kuhu's ears.

Kuhu: hello? hello? 

Rajshri and mishti came closer to kuhu.

Kuhu: who is this? 

Jugnu: who are you?

Kuhu: me? kuhu 

Jugnu: That kuhu? really? 

kuhu: yes that kuhu...jugnu bhaiya.

Jugnu: how did you remember my voice? 

kuhu(*smiling*):bhaiya, I have not seen for just one day. how would I forget your voice?

Jugnu:achha ... I forgot. 

kuhu: it's okay. what happened to family members? why no one took the call?

Jugnu: nothing. They are just busy in other tasks. That's all.

Kuhu: is it? 

Ketki grabbed the phone from Jugnu.

Ketki(*pointing to jugnu*): why are you lying?

Jugnu: abir bhai asked me to speak like that.

ketki: but this is wrong. 

kuhu:ketki??? are you on-line ?

ketki:kuhu? really? 

kuhu: yeah I am kuhu.

ketki: Are you okay? are you safe? 

kuhu: yeah.

ketki sighed.

ketki: at least you people are safe.

kuhu: what happened ? will anyone tell me or not? 

mishti asked her to put the phone on speaker mode.

ketki: I have a lot to say. I will start from you guys leaving.

kuhu: okay...(in confused tone)

Rajvansh's flashback: 

Ketki's narration.


mishti walked inside the door.

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