chapter 20

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RECAP: kunal rejected offer to help him in the office... abir was jealous of aarav...he was confused about her feeling towards him...

it's midnight , 

abir couldn't sleep ...a lot was going on his mind...he was roaming around the house...

He passed by kunal's room and saw kunal being awake...

abir:nanko...why didn't you sleep ?

kunal was slightly startled to hear abir's voice...he spontaneously woke up from the bed...'s nothing...

abir sat behind him...

abir:what nothing ? there must be something that keeps you awake at this time...

kunal:bhai...seriously nothing... 

abir:you have a list of meeting tomorrow ... but you can't sleep you want me to believe that ?i am your elder brother...tell me...

kunal:bhai...then you tell...why didn't you sleep ?

abir raised his eyebrows... nanko is a grown man now... he is asking his elder brother about his sleep... god i am proud...

kunal:bhai... seriously ?

abir laughed...

kunal:bhai...tell me na...

abir:i was just thinking... if you like something...

abir paused.kunal nodded.

abir:that person or thing is with you today...but what about tomorrow ... what if tomorrow that person was not here... what if they just disappear... will we be able to handle that ? 

kunal looked very confused...

kunal:bhai...speak in a english please...

abir smiled....

abir:accha ...leave will not get it...tell me what is going with you ?

kunal:i don't know...i just feel weird... 

abir:weird about what?

kunal:about kuhu...

abir:i knew it was kuhu who didn't let you sleep ...

abir:kuhu?what?tell me ? do you want to speak to her? 

kunal: i don't know... i feel weird around her...and i feel guilty for rejecting her this morning like that...

abir:mm ...then what do you think you should do ?

kunal:i ...i ...

abir:you don't know...

kunal nodded...

abir:basically he is missing her ...

kunal:what do you think i should do ?

abir:i think you should speak to her...

kunal didn't answer...he was just thinking something....

abir:nanko? nanko?

kunal:yes... yeah ... i will speak to her... 

abir:tomorrow ?!!

kunal saw abir...


abir:then problem will speak to her...and everything will be back to normal... don't think about anything ...just sleep...

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