chapter 9

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RECAP:the time travel door was locked and mishti went missing at the shopping complex...

kuhu: where is she? she was born to create troubles ...

abir: wait ... I will go and search search this side...

abir ran through nearby shops ...mishti was not there... abir's mind was wavering with thousand thoughts...he ran through the entire shopping complex...

a familiar sound came from his left side...

mishti: abir... see this... this would be wonderful...what do you think?

he turned to see...

abir sighed...and hugged her...

abir:don't do this again...

mishti:what? I just...

mishti tried to break the hug...but  she couldn't ...abir was holding her tight ...

abir: there is no just hereafter...don't do this...don't just disappear...

mishti: okay ...abir...relax.. I am not going anywhere without you...okay.

abir gently pulled him back from the hug...

abir: promise...

mishti: promise...

they had a moment...

abir: let's go...the others are waiting for us...

mishti: this?

she pointed at a beautiful watch...

mishti: for ketki?

abir: it's beautiful... let's buy...

they bought the watch...and they were walking towards the entrance...

abir saw a jewellery shop ...he went near the shop...

abir:mishti ...see this...

he pointed at a beautiful silver bracelet...

mishti: it's beautiful...

abir: let's buy...

mishti: do you think she will like this?

abir: who?


abir: ooh madam... I am not buying this for ketki...this is for you...

mishti was surprised...

mishti: for me?

abir: yes will be beautiful in your hands...

mishti: and what is the occasion? 

abir: every gift does not require the occasion...and by the way...this bracelet is for you to remember your promise...

abir took the bracelet and gently made her wear the bracelet ...

mishti: it is beautiful...thank you...

abir nodded...

abir: now let's go...

In the car,

kuhu: o god...mishti...why are you doing could have informed Kunal...

mishti: he was on a I thought ...why should I bother him...

kuhu:but ...

abir:bro...leave yaaar...

kuhu frowned...

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