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Mishti: and Manali was nice you know.

Abir: how did you even know- that aarav. did he gave that USB to you?

Mishti: yeah! 

Abir: now to think of it... it's little embarrassing though.

Mishti: no...you did a very good job. you needed an outlet. 

Abir nodded. 

Mishti: What about that Mumbai one? 

Abir: that one... I have an interesting story behind it.

He started to share his memories.

After few months,

Abir seemed nervous.

Ketki:bhaiya...why are so nervous? I thought you would be cool.

Abir: I am... who said I am not cool...

Ketki: Seriously?

Abir: ok...a little nervous. marriage proposal yaar...itna toh hota hai na

ketki smiled and held his hand.

Ketki:bhaiya don't worry...everything would go fine. best of luck. 

He nodded.

Abir arranged a tent in the outers of the town. 

Abir(*in phone*):mishti...come fast na... 

Mishti:coming... heavy traffic here.i will be there within half-hour. 

Abir:half an hour... 


He looked at the balloons on the floor.

Abir:ok. come fast. 

He cut the call and rushed to the balloons.

Abir:omg. she is coming here within half an hour. what do i do? maybe i should switch to no balloons plan. what about bubbles? and noodles?! I left it at home. omg what am i even doing here?!

He seemed tense. 

Kunal: this is why big bro requires small bro right? 

Kunal and kuhu walked to him.

Abir: What? wait...how did you find here-

Kuhu: this.

she pointed at the cellphone.

Kuhu: What happened?

Abir: ok there is not much time left... and this.

He pointed at the balloons on the floor.

Kuhu:leave it to us. #pro

Kunal:and i will get your noodles

Abir: guys i don't know what to say.i am so thank-

Kuhu:bro afterwards. now come and help me...kunal go run.

Kunal nodded and rushed to his bike.

Abir started to hang balloons with kuhu.

Abir:and bro.

Kuhu: what bro?


Kuhu:what how?

Abir:kunal motorbike 

Kuhu blushed.

Abir: we never let him ride motorbike. he really rash drive when-

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