chapter 12

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RECAP: abir and mishti doubts the black hoodie while kuhu eavesdrop their conversation with black hoodie ...

abir and mishti came home...

abir:mishti...whatever you decide ...don't rush ...

mishti nods...

kuhu was peering this from a distance...

kuhu: it seems she didn't call till now... I have to get the phone number from her...

mishti comes inside the room...

kuhu:mishti didn't wash your hair like for years... you have to take bath...#dirty

misthi:what rubbish ?

kuhu:no rubbish...its the truth... come on...i have bought an aroma candle for you ... go and bath inside...

mishti:seriously ?

kuhu:yes seriously ...go inside...

mishti was confused ...

mishti: whatever...but i think a shower can clear my mind...

kuhu:yeah ...go ahead...

mishti starred at kuhu while passing through her...she went for a bath...

kuhu: now...i have to look for the number...

she found the blackhoodie's number.

kuhu:this must be the number...i should call before her...

She leaves to the secluded space with mishti's phone...and calls the number...

kuhu:hello !! black hoodie sir ... 

call:is this mishti?

kuhu:no... but i ....

call:what ?did you time travel or not?

kuhu:yes...infact...i came here first...

call:okay listen carefully...whatever happens have to face the consequences...

kuhu:okay...what can be worse than the time will help me right... to to..return...right?

call:ofcourse... come to address i have texted to this number by 10pm today...


call:yes?do you have any problem?

kuhu:no... i will come...

mishti:kuhu...where are you?

kuhu cut the call...and went to mishti...

kuhu:why are you shouting like that? i was standing outside!!

mishti:where is my phone?

kuhu:your phone... i took your phone to...

mishti:whatever ...give my phone...

kuhu returned her phone...

kuhu:god... i have deleted the call logs ...and forwarded the text message...

mishti:why are you tensed?

kuhu:its nothing...

mishti:kuhu..see...i want to say everything...

kuhu:Stop...mishti...dont act like a good one...i know about you ... 


kuhu:stop mishti...

kuhu left the room...

After few hours ,

abir and mishti were at the terrace,

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