Chapter 36

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Aarav opened Mishti's eyes. 

Mishti: what?

Aarav: look down.

She looked down. 

Abir looked at her.

There was a magical breeze in the atmosphere.

Both abir and mishti froze at the look of each other.

Abir: is this even real?  

He pinched himself.

Abir:oouch... it's not a dream. 

He looked back to her. 

Their eyes spoke a lot than the words can.

At the same time,

All of maheswari family came down to see shaurya expect kuhu.

they were shocked to shaurya.

Varsha: where were you? 

she cried on his shoulder. 

On the excitement of the arrival of the shaurya, they didn't notice abir and Kunal. 

Kunal: where is kuhu? does something happen to her? why only mishti is on the corridor?

He was about to ask the family members. But they were too involved with shaurya. He didn't want to disturb them. 

He just ran into the house. 

Kunal: maybe I should check the first floor first.

He reached the first floor and started to search all 4 rooms.

When he reached mishti and kuhu's room,

Kunal: she is not here too.

He just randomly started to search all places. 

And at last he found her in the stairs to the terrace. 

Kunal: finally... Thank god. I was so afraid.

He sat in the stairs to catch his breath.

Kuhu: see...another hyper-reality dream... #no1_hallucination_queen. I am afraid my entire life will become a hallucination. Now Kunal after few minutes dad. This became my daily schedule.

Kunal: this is not a hallucination you idiot.

Kuhu(*sarcastic tone*): ooh... I know. I have seen a ton of them.

Kunal smiled and took her hands.

Kunal: even now does this seem hallucination?

Kuhu: feels so real. 

Kunal nodded.

Kuhu: that means it is not hallucination. 

Kunal: yes. 

kuhu: omg...I cannot believe my eyes. you are really here. are you okay? how is your health? 

Kunal:i am 100% okay.

Kuhu: omg.

They hugged each other. 

Kuhu:i missed you.

Kunal: me too. more than you!

Kuhu:i know. 

Her eyes teared up.

Kunal wiped her tears.

Kunal: don't cry now. it is a happy moment after all.

Kuhu nodded like a kid.

Love Through TimeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя