Nodding slowly, your lip began to quiver.

"M-My father is very protective over me and the pac...but since I turned sixteen, he let me go. Now sometimes I wish I could just go back up there-"

"I'm sorry." He spoke.

Immediately looking at him, your eyes widened.

"No! It's alright! You were curious."

Sighing, your tail moved around the ground.

"Just like I am....."

He smiled at you.

"Isn't everyone a little curious? Even us humans can be annoying with much questions." he explained, causing you to cheer up a little.

"Uhm, if you don't mind me asking, do you have a name or do I just call you human? Because I think that's a little weird." You laughed, scratching your neck.

"R-Right, my name Is Tenya Iida, nice to meet you!"

He held out his hand which caused you to be confused.

Tilting your head, he chuckled.

"You shake it, it's like a greeting us humans do."


You snorted slightly, feeling like a complete dumb dumb.

"In heaven we greet with head rubs and hugs, but I don't think you'll be comfortable with head rubs just yet."

He blushed this time, looking away.


Blushing more at the nickname, he faced you.

"Did I do something wrong?! Oh fish! I messed up..." You frowned, dropping your ears again.

"N-No! It's alright! I'm sorry no one ever game me a nickname before." he confessed scratching his neck.

Your smile grew, giving him a big hug.

"Well, I would love to be your friend Ikun! I was surly afraid that I would scare you off."

Both a blushing mess, Iida coughed.

"Well, (Y/n) you didn't scare me off, because I knew you were harmless, with the research I did."


Taking a deep sigh, he face palmed.

'Oh lord, this is going to be a long night.'

Iida explained every human fraze, object, and traditions to you. He decided to take you to his house, since his parents are away. He said something called a business trip?  Not knowing what it was, you saved the conversation. He told you that the hanging box things above the ground are stop lights, And the moving contraptions are cars. Everything seemed to change from the stories your father told you as a little cub. It was cool your learning more stuff the way Ikun explains it, making it simple. As you walked beside him, he pointed out every little detail. Humans find food in places called shops, instead of hunting the prey. It seems much easier than ripping a cow and deer from limb to limb. You also learned not to hug everyone you meet, which made you sad because you love hugs. He also told you about some people not being the nicest, I mean he's not wrong this world is not perfect. He started to get a little ahead, which made you notice the metal things on the back of his legs.

Eager to find out, you lightly tapped his shoulder.


"Yes (Y/N)?" He asked still looking ahead.

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