" Yayy!!! , we are here" I shouted happily, after waking up to see we were already in kaduna , in front of aunty samira's gate .

We got down from the car and I jumped happily till we entered .

"I can't wait to meet my old friends" I said to aunty samira immediately we got to the room i Was staying .

Don't worry , you should bath and dress in your pajamas , come downstairs and eat your food when you're done .

"Aunty samira , you forgot to mention prayers first , I have to pray before any other thing" I said to her and she smiled .

"That is My baby , go and pray before bathing . I will be waiting for you downstairs" she said .

"Okay , aunty samira , you should give me twenty minutes because I have to recite my Quran" I said happily stripping down my cloths in her front .

As I stripped everything, she stood there looking at me without replying me.

"Aunty samira, I'm talking to you !" I said , picking my dirty cloths from the floor .

"My Ahmad has grown to a big boy" she said to me before smiling .

"Yes aunty , what do you expect after three years , look at my muscles I have power" I said to her raising my arms up . Her attention wasn't on what I was saying , instead she kept staring at my naked genitals .

"Aunty since you don't want to see my muscles , let me go and bath and perform ablution" I said running to the toilet , leaving her stand there In her trance .

A week passed by
with aunty samira going to work and coming back , I met my old friends and even met new ones .

I didn't miss no fun in the house because I was always playing fifa either alone or with a friend.

Aunty samira is a divorcée with no child , I didn't know about this until the last holiday I spent here . I found out from her old housemaid that she has been single for years and she doesn't want to marry again .

"Ahmad, I'm back" I heard aunty samira call from outside my room.

"Yayy , my pizza" I jumped happily , dropping the pad and walking  out of the room .

"I got your pizza" she said to me immediately I got to where she was , she handed me and I started munching on it.

"Let me go and freshen up"She said , leaving me on the hallway opposite my room .

I went back to the room picking the pad , I played and played till I heard the adhan. I stood up instantly to perform ablution .

I finished praying and was about folding the mat when aunty samira walked in .

" that's my boy" she smiled at me before walking to where I stood .

"I'm going to bath you today" she continued, making me frown a bit .

"But aunty samira , you said I'm a big boy , ummah stopped bathing me years ago" I said totally confused at why she wanted to bath me .

"Yes but ,  big boys also get bathed once in a while and I miss bathing my baby"she said , moving closer , before raising my shirt .

We got to the toilet after she stripped me , I started feeling very uncomfortable .

She started bathing me , her hands washing my head down to my stomach.

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