Nada-Good Situation

Start from the beginning

It concerned the others greatly, but not enough to check on her. Everyone had bad days, and sometimes on those bad days, you just want to be alone with your thoughts. Granted you won't hurt yourself while doing so.

That's why most of the time Jay checked on his friends when they were having a hard day, or said they wanted to be alone. Of course he would give that person time to be alone, but every so often he would come in and check up on them, just to make sure that they were holding up okay, and giving a hug to those who needed or wanted one.

But with his Yang, he'd always stay by her, cracking jokes and hugging her for what would feel like eternity. Nya never rejected his action, nor really acknoledged them so much, but as long as she was comfortable, Jay would hold her for as long as she wanted to be held, even if the World is ending. They can watch it together, holding each other.

Jay sighed as he looked back at the clock for what-seemed-to-be the millionth time during the hour. 7:23pm. The same time of the most recent time he looked at his alarm clock - which was twenty seconds ago. It seemed like time has stopped, or at least slowed it's pace down, as he felt so bored. He was do bored; he was quiet. That's boredem, especially if Jay Walker is silent.

He sighed, while hearing the faint pattering of rain crash onto the window outside, sliding down the piece of glass while others fell onto it. Great; it's raining now.

"Wait, wasn't it just sunny?" Jay calls out to no one in particular. was strange. In a matter of minutes the golden sky has now transformed into a dull mess with transparent drops of water falling from the clouds that coloured the sky a boring shade of boredem. At least before the boy was able to witness the sun setting, now it's gone too.

Still confused on the sudden change of weather, Jay examines the rain more. The sound is soft, not violent. It's not too heavy to fill a mini-ditch just sorta patters down onto the concrete and stays there..until it gets replaced a few moments after by another quiet raindrop. It looked like..empty rain. Rain that was there for a purpose, however no one knew what that purpose was..not just yet anyway.

He looks up at the clouds and notices they're beginning to look a little more grey..with every second. As if there's someone just deciding to do a little contrast switch to the clouds and make them look like a Monday morning. Jay raises an eyebrow, thinking he's seeing things, and needs to go and see a doctor, until-

Knock knock.

The lightning master feels himself jolt, obviously not expecting the sudden knock on the door while he was looking up at the sky, wondering what was going on, and what happened to the wonderful weather moments previously. His eyes made it's way to the said door that he heard the knock from (considering that it's the only door in the room) and he walked over to the wodden object and placed his hand on the door handle, twisting it and opening it with a squeak following; the hinges need to be oiled.

His eyes looked around until he met a familar pair of chocolate brown owns looking at him with a pleading expression, as she wanted him - or needed him. The pleading look that his Yang was showing did not process for his mind for a few seconds, as the organ (I googled this; yes, the Brain is an organ.) worked out what was going on. It was like he didn't know that Nya was here, facing him. Or at least, he did not expect it to happen. Not now, anyway.

"Nya?" Jay said after what appeared to be a few minutes of being completely out of it. But, when he saw her almost upset expression on her face, his own eyes softened and so did his eyebrows. His Yang is upset.

Jay let go of the door handle and opened it fully, then stood to the side to let the smaller in, feeling his worries rise when she didn't respond to the call of her name, or didn't say 'Thank You' when Jay let her in first. However; the male wasn't going to be mad at her for that. He can never be mad at anyone when they're upset, you can't help it, so it's fine to miss some polite manners.

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