Chapter 65 - "Here's the thing:"

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I waited anxiously for the bell to ring, barely paying attention to the teacher instructions. I knew it was stupid that I was this nervous about seeing Rae but, given how much she proclaimed to hate Prepsworth it was impossible not to be. Finally, the bell rang and I shrugged my backpack onto my shoulder and walked quickly to the main office, where I had to confirm Rae's entry. I talked to the main office lady, remembering slightly regretfully that I didn't know her name.

"She'll be coming in around an hour, yes; her name's Rae. Okay, I'll sign here." I said, answering her questions. After scribbling my signature twice; once on the touchscreen laptop, and once on paper. I looked up at the office lady and decided to do something nice. Nice was new, nice was different and nice was decidedly good. After all, didn't I want to be a better person?

"Excuse me, what's your name?" I asked, slightly nervous. I didn't want to appear more of a dork than I already was.

"Samantha." She answered, tapping a few things on screen.

"Well; thank you Samantha." I said, smiling slightly. Samantha looked up and smiled back at me.

"You're very welcome. Now, you'd best go and wait for this Rae to arrive. I wouldn't want to keep you any further." Samantha said briskly but warmly. I gave her an appreciative grin and stood to the side, checking my phone for any messages from Rae. There weren't any from Rae, but there was a few texts from Lily. I was about to click on it when I saw Natasha leaning against the wall, staring at me.I reisted the urge to make a snarky remark and instead raised my eyebrow.

"Is something the matter Louis Lane?" I asked. Natasha shook her head, her long, intricate earrings swinging.

"No, just observing you trying out manners. It's always nice to see someone step out of their comfort zone." Natasha said.

"I'm polite. I'm just being more so than usual. You could take some tips from me" I protested. Natasha laughed dismissively.

"You couldn't be any less polite. Haven't you noticed, you're a jerk." Natasha said.

"How? Rude, maybe. Kind of a bad person, I guess. But a straight up jerk?" I asked. Natasha's eyes widened.

"You're really that oblivious. Wow. I knew you were dumb but not that dumb." Natasha exclaimed incredulously.

"Dumb but successful. I have friends, trophies and a successful future career. What do you have? A failing career as a journalist? A perpetually pinched expression? A bad taste in music?" I snapped.

"Sure, maybe you'll be a sports star. I give you until your thirty, thirty five at most and then you're dropped from any team. Then what do you have? No talent aside from sports. As for me, I've already been accepted to study journalism at Sydney Uni for undergrad, you just kind of have that effect on people and my taste in music is impeccable." Natasha replied sharply.

"On other, more interesting notes, I've got to go. Enjoy waiting for your girlfriend to show up. What's the chances she'll break up with you within a week?" Natasha said, before leaving. I'd just slumped down on one of the ridiculously comfortable armchairs when Rae walked over to me, her braids swinging.

"School finished barely five minutes ago." I remarked.

"And you're not in school uniform." I added.

"Sometimes, you have to take an afternoon off." Rae replied, smiling mischievously. I stood up, pushing myself out of the armchair.

"We need to talk." I said briefly, standing up and turning towards the door.

"That doesn't sound good." Rae commented, easily keeping pace with me.

"It depends on how you look at it."

We ended up sitting in the dining hall. Most people just grabbed food and went to sit outside, so the dining hall was half-empty. Rae looked around and the dark floorboards, massive window and elegant dining tables.

"This looks...incredible." Rae exclaimed. I smiled uncomfortably.

"Now you're going to start talking about how many puppies this could save or whatever." I replied. Rae picked at her brownie.

"'re not wrong." Rae said, laughing. I laughed along with her and stared down at my coffee and tiramisu.

"Rae, here's the thing." I began, before taking a shaking breath.

"I know you hate that Prepsworth has so much, and that most of the students have more money than they know what to do with. I know that, I really do. But I also know that I like you, a lot and I think you like me too. So, I was wondering if you want to go to Prepsworth Academy. I've talked to my parents – they can pay it. It's not ideal but I know how amazing Prepsworth is, and how many amazing people there are here. Please?" I begged. Rae stared at me in disbelief until I finished my speech.

"Are you kidding Tom?" Rae asked incredulously.

"You're asking me to switch schools, all for you? I've only known you for like, a month. Furthermore, don't pretend you don't know what might happen if I switch." Rae demanded.

"Rae , it's not as stupid as it sounds, what will happen?" I pleaded. Rae rolled her eyes, pushing her brownie away.

"What do you think? The population of your school is what, 90% Caucasian, more?" Rae asked.

"To answer your question, it is. Don't tell me at least some of those "amazing people" are going to judge me because the colour of my skin." Rae continued.

"Rae, maybe one or two people, but who cares about them? We can face them together!" I argued.

"Yeah, like you and your ex-girlfriend faced the incredible amount of homophobic kids at this school? You didn't even back her up, weren't you a part of that? What happens the second we have a fight – or deicide you don't like me anymore, do you lead the charge to persecute me because of something I can't help?"

"Of course not! How do you even know about that?" I replied indignantly. This was going so, so wrong.

'Social media's a thing Tom. Also, I don't want your money. I don't need it either. I would never fit in here Tom. I would never be happy." Rae said, frowning.

"You would! Everyone would like you and I know that you and Emma would get along." I insisted. Rae's face contorted into a disgusted expression.

"Give it up Tom! You're so pathetic and desperate, it's honestly sad. I don't want to go to your stupid little school. I'm your rebound Tom. It's obvious. Just. Give. It. Up!" Rae exploded, standing up. I saw the kids at other tables giving her cautious looks and suddenly knew that Rae didn't just have a point, but that she was right. As for her being my rebound, she was right about that too. I hadn't meant for us to be anything romantic, but I couldn't deny that I had envisioned the relationship going somewhere.

"I'm sorry Rae. I'm so sorry." I said, watching Rae walk calmly towards the door.

"So am I. I really liked you Tom. But, it's not meant to be. You'll know that in time. I promise you, you will be happy. I know you will." Rae said, pausing at the doorway.

"And you?" I asked. Rae smiled.

"I'll be busy making other people happy." Rae replied.

"Do something for me, save some happiness for yourself." I said, smiling slightly at Rae. Rae's eyes glittered as she smiled back at me.

"How could I forget?" Rae exclaimed , and then she was gone.

I allowed a small, chokedbreath, and then I moved on. Because Raeand Lily had taught me to be strong.And kind, and courageous. And I knew it was what was best for Rae. and I could 

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