Chapter 91 - "We lie."

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AmyTomlooked like he was drowning. His face was white and clenched, tears runningdown his cheeks. Lily was the same, bending over and crying. Letting out all ofthe misery. My heart felt cold and empty as I stared at Becca and her minions,lined up in front of us. I reached my hand out, intertwining my fingers withJake's and holding on tight, not wanting for there to be any more surprises,hoping this would all be over. I looked at my four classmates next to Becca,all of their expressions different. Matthew was smug, his eyes glittering as helooked over us all. Millie looked distraught, tears sliding down her cheeks.Rae looked grim and angry, and Natasha looked defiant, her lip curled indisgust as she looked at Becca. None of it made sense. How could they betray usand use us so easily? I frowned at them, trying to work out what had happened.Becca spoke first, breaking my concentration."Wouldyou like to explain exactly why these people have helped me, or will I haveto?" Becca asked, her words pointed at Tom. Tom didn't acknowledge her andBecca bristled, her fists clenching."You dowant to be a fire fighter, after all." Becca added spitefully. Tom looked up,hate written all over his face as he looked at Becca."I don'tthink I will." He replied sharply. Becca nodded."Verywell then." She said coldly, turning to Matthew."I metBecca at the beginning of the summer holidays. She contacted me, talking abouthow evil Rose was, talking about how she had a plan to bring her down. I helpedTom see just how cruel Rose was, as well as telling Becca what had beenhappening at school. One the first day, I snuck into Rose's dorm and planted Adelaide'sdiary, which Becca had kept." Matthew explained snidely, leering at us all."Why didyou do all of this? Because she's beautiful?" Emma piped up. Matthew shook hishead."Becausewe're in love. What we have is so much stronger than what you could ever dreamto have." Matthew exclaimed. Emma laughed."You're afool. You're nothing to her, just a means to an end. You don't even realise howstupid you are." Emma said bitterly, holding Matthew's gaze. Matthew ignoredher, turning to Millie expectantly. Millie looked up, her face tear-stained."Afterwhat happened in Year Seven, I was angry. I thought it was Rose who had spreadthe rumour, and I hated her so much. At the start of this year, Becca textedme, confirming my suspicions. She told me I could get revenge, that all I hadto do was tell me everything that Rose had done. When I told her that Rae,Natasha and I were all invited to, this, she just told me to come along. But –I didn't know! Becca told me that Rose was using you all and that we were goingto help you!" Millie exclaimed, before Matthew slapped his hand over Millie'smouth, before pushing her against the wall. Lily made a muffled exclamation,her eyes filled with worry, before looking at Rae."I guessit's my turn to "confess.". I have an older brother. No one knows this, becauseno one ever asked. His name is Tyler, but no one ever bothered to ask thateither. When we moved to Australia, my parents had enough money to send him toPrepsworth Academy. I was so excited, waving him off to go to school. I thoughtthat one day I could go there too, a real, proper boarding school. When he cameback after only a few weeks, I was so confused. He told me that every day,after school, a group of boys waited for him behind their dorm and beat him up.When he told the teachers, they brushed it aside, said he was making things up,despite his bruises. One day, he decided to fight back. He only threw onepunch, but he was immediately expelled. They said that he was dangerous, andviolent. They didn't even punish all the other boys who got into fights. Then,I learned that no matter how I acted, I would still be judged, still be hated,simply because of the colour of my skin. Becca told me the name of the leaderof the group of boys – Aiden Miller. She said that his sister was exactly likehim, racist and prejudiced, and that I could hurt both of them. That itwouldn't matter, because whatever I did to them would pale in comparison towhat they did to him." Rae spat, her eyes cold."But Iwas wrong about Rose. I was wrong about everyone. And I'm sorry, for what it'sworth. I am so, so sorry. Because you are all truly kind, and fun to be around.You're all good people. Better than I am at least." Rae said earnestly. Jake'sgrip on my hand tightened, and I knew he was being reminded of all of the timeshe'd fought someone and never got into trouble."Youdon't have to be sorry. We're the ones that should be." Jake exclaimed, and Raelooked grateful, despite the sadness written across her face. Becca twisted herlips to one side."Howtouching. Now, Natasha, would you care to speak?" Becca began, before turningto Tom, smirking."She was almostas easy to manipulate as her boyfriend was. It almost took the fun out of it."Becca said in amusement. Natasha glared at Becca, her eyes glittering withdisdain."I almostgot fired from the school paper. I'd gone to the party, but had left early, andarrived late for a sudden meeting. I needed to be the head writer to submit aapplication for a scholarship on journalism. Becca texted me saying that shehad the best story of my career. She said that if I got it, I could keep my jobon the school paper and boost my resume. It was her usual lies andmanipulation, but it worked. I was working on the story a list of everythingRose had done, as well as working out what had happened the the night of thefire. When we went to investigate the fire, weeks later, I realised I'd made amistake, and that Becca was lying, and that she was using me. By then, it wastoo late." Natasha spat venomously, directing every insult at Becca.Understanding washed across Tom's face, probably remembering something."So youused them all." I said flatly. Becca let out a exclamation of anger."What I'mdoing is trying to make you see how Rose has used you all. You're nothing toysto her, interesting for a while, but easily disposable. Lukas has been thrownaway, who will be next?" Becca said, annoyance rising in her voice."So whatare you offering us?" Tom asked, his voice hollow."A chanceto get revenge on Rose Miller. If you all say that Rose started the fire, thenshe can get put away in jail, and leave your lives forever. She let Emma go toprison, and was going to let Harry go to prison, for something she did , sodon't you think it's time for her to try it out herself?" Becca said coldly."Tom –don't do it!" Natasha cried out, before Matthew shoved her hard, her headhitting the pristine white wall with a crack."Oh, andanother thing. If you don't join me, I'll tell the police it was all of youthat started the fire, and then you can all go to jail together." Becca added,smiling."They'dnever believe you." Emma scoffed. Becca smiled again, looking more animal thanhuman."Oh, butthey would. After all, I just happen to have an awful lot of dirt on Detective Miller." Becca said gleefully,the words Detective Miller sounding bitter in her mouth. Detective Miller mustbe Aiden Miller, Rose's brother and Becca's ex-boyfriend."So, areyou going to join me?" Becca asked, looking around at all of us."I'drather die." Lukas snapped."If youthink that any of us are going to join you, you're crazy. Or at least, more sothan usual." Jake added."So goahead, call the police." Lily added, her eyes determined. I nodded, joining everyoneelse. I wouldn't abandon everyone. We were a team. We were friends, and wewouldn't be beaten. Becca's smile grew cold.

"I'm going to enjoy sending you all to jail for a very long time." Beccaleered, taking out her phone.
"Stop."Rose's voice cut through the room like a bullet, cold and harsh. We all turned,seeing Rose in the middle of the glass wall, directly against it. The beachloomed below her, the ocean and sky stretching out behind her."This wasnever between anyone but you and me. So, leave them alone, and you can haveme." Rose said, her voice steady. Becca set her phone aside, her eyes curious,if slightly dismissive. Rose took a deep breath, and smashed her head againstthe glass. She did it with such force that the glass cracked, fractures runningacross it like a spider web. I watched on, with horrified disbelief as Rosethrew her head back again. And again. And again. And again. Each time with athundering crack as the fractures grew splintering the glass. Everyone wasfrozen, except for Rose, her eyes shining with finality and tears. Blood wasdripping down her head, caught up in the cracks along the glass, turning themred. I realised, with horror, that she was going to smash the whole thing. Rosethrew her head forward one more time, the silence sickening in the air. Blooddripped onto the perfect white carpet in small droplet, a stunning cherry red.The sun broke through the haze of clouds, illuminating Rose Miller one lasttime, sending the world into a shimmering mosaic of red as it bounced off thebloodied glass. I blinked, trying to clear my eyes, trying to find the strengthto move, but I was too far away. Rose took one last breath, before falling tothe side, her chair splintering. I looked up, trying to see what happened, and sawLukas sitting where Rose had been, staring at her. His hair looked as though ithad caught fire, shimmering in the sunlight, and his face was peaceful as helooked at Rose."No, youcan't!" Rose screamed out. Lukas shook his head slowly, a smile spreadingacross his face."Rose,don't you see? This is my redemption." Lukas whispered, his eyes shining withhappiness. Rose threw herself forward with a shriek, and I screamed as Lukasthrew his head back against the glass, shattering it in a movement. The glassfell like falling shards of colour, in a shining cascade of rainbow glass. Theyfell onto Lukas, lighting him up so that he was glowing, a pure piece of lightas he fell backwards, onto the beach. I couldn't scream, couldn't breathe,couldn't even think as Lukas fell, a beam of shining light and stars. Lukas.The Hero, The Villain, The Human, the Monster, The Enemy, The Friend. My Friend. And then, Lukas Kane and allthat he was, was goneRoseIt'sfrightening how quickly your world can collapse around you, how quickly howrealise your world is built around one person. When I saw Lukas fall, I felt ascream tear it's way out of me, deep and guttural and full of pain. I didn'twant him to be dead. He couldn't die. This was not how this was suppose to die.My chair was splintered when Lukas had pushed me aside, and I stood up, tearingthe rags off my legs and sprinting down to the beach. I flew out the door, andaround to beach, reaching him in an instant. My head was ponding, the samemantra repeating in my head again and again. This cannot be happening. This cannot be happening. This cannot behappening. This cannot be happening. I flew over the sand towards him,dreading what I might find. He was lying in a pool of blood, surrounded byshattered glass and wood. His chair had smashed by the impact of his fall, andhis arms and legs lay sprawled out next to him, weak and useless. I saw hischest rise and fall, and sprinted towards him, falling to my knees. The mistdrawing around us was a blanket of cold, with the sun hitting him, illuminatinghim in a shining light, breaking through the mist. I looked desperately aroundfor visible wound, but saw none. From a fall this height, his back would befractured or broken, and his head wounds would be immense. I crawled to theback of his head, propping his head up and trying desperately to staunch theflow of blood from his head. Lukas let out a weak sigh as he tried to lean backto smile at me."It'suseless." He managed, before breaking into a couching fit, blood flying out ofhis mouth. "No it'snot. No it's not." I repeated, tears dripping down my cheeks onto his face.Lukas' eyes filled with tears and his face contorted with misery."It'sokay. It's going to be okay." He reassured me. I let out a choked sob."No. Notwithout you." I shook my head, still trying to staunch the flow of blood, stillknowing it was useless."I loveyou Rose. I love you so much." Lukas murmured, his voice weak and his chestslowing breathing."No,don't say goodbye. This isn't goodbye. You are going to live and you are goingto live with me!" I exclaimed, clutching Lukas' head in my hands. Lukas manageda smile, his eyelids fluttering."Do youremember the first time we danced together?" I asked desperately. Lukas tiltedhis head, a pale imitation of a nod."Well,after all of this – you are going to dance with me again. Okay?" I coutninued.Lukas closed his eyes and I gripped his hand, lying down beside him. I felt hisbreath falter against my cheek and his hand fall away from mine. I got up,feeling desperately for his pulse. Feeling nothing but cold, dead skin. Iscreamed out, leaning over his body.

"You can't die! You can't die~!" I shrieked, my hands shaking as I tried topush against the wound on his head, fumbling to feel his pulse again. I shookmy head, screaming into the wind again and again and again. I felt someone pullme away from his body, and I thrashed around.
"You haveto let me get back to him!" I screamed, clawing at someone's face. "Rose." Iheard someone plead as they let go off me, and I fell to the ground, crawlingback to Lukas. He had a small smile frozen on his face, and blood soakingthrough his white shirt. In that moment, he looked so serene, and so happy thatI felt another sob come out of me. I rocked back and forth, clutching his handin my flimsy grip. "Rose." Iheard again, and I turned around to everyone behind me, looking grim. How werethey not completely broken? They crowded around Lukas, holding his hand, orpropping up his head, or just being near him."He was happy.He was happy when he died." I repeated, tears spilling down my face. Amy lookedup, and our gazes met."Good."She answered quietly."He wasour friend." She continued. Everyone nodded, staring sadly at the dead boy infront of us. Tears streamed down our faces, sadness striking through ourhearts. Elle looked up, and her eyes widened in fear. I looked towards the endof the beach, and saw Aiden, and a team of police officers walking towards us.Everyone glanced at each other in fear. "What dowe do?" Elle exclaimed. I looked down at Lukas, glowing with light and adetermined expression crossed my face, hardening my resolve. I pressed a kisson Lukas' knuckles before setting his hand down gently. I stood up, lookingtowards Aiden, and the police officers, walking towards us through the mist. Iturned back to everyone else, my lips forming a dangerous smile."We lie."

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