Chapter 7 - "Do you want to dance?"

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I was sitting on the steps of the patio at the party, laughing and joking with my friends.

"Come on Harry, what's the harm?" Millie asked

"Oh, what's the harm? What's the harm? Oh nothing, just me getting my heart broken." I exclaimed nervously.

"So... everyday life for you then?" joked Jayden. I resisted the smile creeping up my face.

"You're basically in love with her. The way you put it, it's like you'd jump off a cliff for her. Either she rejects you and you move on or she likes you back, and you get together and live out the rest of your happy little life."

"May as well." I sighed, outwardly confident but inwardly nervous. I rehearsed what I was going to say in my head, my hands shaking with nerves. I'd never cared about anyone as much as I'd cared about Emma before, and I didn't want to mess everything up. I had just started to walk up the steps when I saw Emma wobble vicariously on a chair and then start to fall. I sprinted forward, pushing through the crowd of people, who looked at me with glares. I reached her just in time, leaning forward to catch her before she slammed into the patio floor. I smiled down at her as she pushed her raven black hair out of her face, her expression unmoving.

"Are you okay?" I asked, trying to sound confident when I was actually everything but confident.

"Harry!" she exclaimed as I awkwardly smiled at her.

Thanks for catching me!" she continued. My heart was pounding and I'm sure my cheeks were turning red. I had to get this right.

"No problem." I replied, slightly too upbeat.

"Fancy falling into you." She said smirking at me. I took a deep breath, it was now or never,

"You're quite literally falling for me." I joked. Immediately after I said it I felt like whacking my head. What a stupid thing to say! Great job, idiot. Still, I couldn't give up after I'd already humiliated myself.

"Emma..."I began nervously " probably think this is really weird but I was thinking..." I trailed off awkwardly staring at my feet hoping, praying that she liked me too.

"No, I don't like you!" she said in a strong, confident voice. I felt tears welling in my eyes and I didn't hear the thumping music or voices around me. I had the faint idea that she was apologising but her words kept swirling around my head "No, I don't like you", "No, I don't' like you" "No, I don't like you" I felt dazed, yet everything was only too clear. I stumbled down the steps back to my friends who were awaiting eagerly the results.

"No" I said simply, without hope,


I wasn't enough for Emma Winter. And, why not? I never would be.


I decided to go to the party. I knew that it would be a fun one but definitely not the wildest party I'd ever been too. I also knew that Lukas wouldn't let me down. He and Rose had thrown their fair share of wild parties, and most of them were pretty good. I looked towards the crowd, dancing and moving as one. I had started to move towards the crowd when I saw Elle sitting alone on a beanbag, her expression lost and regretful. I sighed, knowing my allegiance to her family outweighed my need to join the crowd, and I pushed through the crowd to her, awkwardly looking down at her.

"Thank for getting Emma off my back before the assembly." I said, as Elle shuffled over to make room for me to sit down.

"No problem. I kind of like the jacket anyway. It adds character." Elle answered, as I sat down.

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