Chapter 9 - "That's a secret."

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I'd gone to the party for a little while but had left early to watch a movie and eat popcorn with my some of my friends from dance in their dorm. I was jealous that they all got to be in a dorm together, but they were just next door and I could always sleep on the couch. I chose the latter for one night, since our dorm was full, and it was three in the morning when I awoke to one of Rose's followers stumbling in, her eyes wide.

"Did you hear the news?" She blurted out, before doubling over in a fit of laughter. I looked up, startled and gestured for her to continue.

"Lukas dumped Rose and now she likes Jake." She continued gleefully. I didn't have any problem believing her, Lukas flittered back and forth between liking Rose and liking some other girl. And Jake...Jake was nice. I was kind of interested in it, and nothing else was happening so I decided to go back to my dorm to see what would happen in the morning.

Everyone was awake and chattering excitedly in a circle except Emma. I was a little shocked to see all the girls from so many different cliques but the events at the party had brought them together. I shuffled into the circle next to Lily and Elle and joined the conversation. The girls were comforting Rose and half joking about her being with Jake. They were crowded around her like crows, squawking meaningless praises at her about how amazing she was. I did my best not to scowl. Then somebody changed the topic and commented to Elle,

"I saw you and Dylan dancing together.". Everyone turned to Elle and I frowned. Elle had never given any signs of being interested in Dylan, and if she ever talked about him it was always dismissively.

"Dylan Adams?" Someone else added incredulously.

"Girl, you should've told me I was stealing your man. It probably wouldn't have changed anything, but?" Katie broke in. Elle flushed and shook her head rigously.

"He is very not my man, so, please, steal away." Elle objected. Katie shrugged.

"Oh. In that case, I will." Katie said lightly. Elle turned to me and made a face and I smiled at her.

"This is awful. Can we please go." Elle exclaimed, looking around the circle of girls.

"It's like some weird wannabe cult." Elle added. I smirked and stood up, tapping Lily on the shoulder to let her know we were going. I didn't mind thought, but the very fact that Elle was here suggested that something big had changed, I just couldn't figure out what. One thing was for sure, Prepsworth Academy was about to be turned upside down.


I wasn't 'heartbroken' as suggested by the brain dead, gossip hungry girls that followed me around. Any idiot who rejects me obviously doesn't deserve me. I knew that. But when the most popular boy at school dumps you it's got to hurt. Especially when you love him. We had broken up too many times to count, but every time it almost always hurt, and even moving onto someone else never really helped like I thought it would. We mostly just dumped each other when we got bored of the other, or wanted something interesting to happen, before getting back together again, as expected. But. Jake changed that. I wondered, for no brief period, if moving on with Jake would actually take away some of the hurt, and have the added bonus of making Lukas jealous.

The morning after the party, all of the girls left that part at around two am, and sat in a massive circle, talking and gossiping in my dorm room. Even Elle was there, albeit looking a little tired.

I didn't sleep at all although I had three black coffee's to make up for my lost energy. Maybe that was why there was a strange euphoria when Jake stepped in. I played up my heartbreak just to see if he really cared and he certainly did care. It was strange to hear someone be so genuinely kind to me, perhaps even with no ulterior motive. It all but confirmed that it would a good idea to date Jake. I knew that Lukas was a player, and that all of the other boys I had dated was too, or came close to being one. They've never been nice, nice just isn't my type. But then again, I'd never marked Jake as nice, sweet, yes, maybe even a little naïve, but he was Lukas' best mate and Lukas wouldn' be mates with a nice guy. I thought about it, frowning whilst we went on and on about something, before finally making my decision. I eyed Jake, noting his slight stammer and flushed cheeks, and smiled on the inside. He clearly liked me, and who was I to destroy his dreams. After all, everyone has an ulterior motive.

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