Chapter 52 - "You do look beautiful in red."

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The house was on fire, smoke trailing up into the air. When Rose had dragged us outside to see a "fireworks show" I'd been slightly sceptical, but decided it was similar to Rose's usual drama and flair. But I hadn't realised that the fireworks would inside the house. I stared helplessly as the still burning embers struck the deep green forest, filled with towering trees. I could only watch as the first tree went up in smoke, flames curling up it's trunk and the stench of smoke clouding the air.

"Jake? Jake? We need to get away from here, and make sure everyone is safe." I exclaimed, trying not to panic and still watching the forest and the burning house.

"We are safe. Rose and I accounted for something like this." I spun around as Lukas stalked up to me, smiling darkly.

"You mean you planned it?" I fired back. Lukas' lips curled into a cruel grin.

"No, my dear Amy. We accounted for it. Fireworks do misfire sometimes." Lukas drawled. I looked in despair towards the burning house. Lukas noticed where I was looking and smiled.

"Beautiful, isn't it. There's something so beautiful about destruction." Lukas murmured, his voice almost reverent, disconcertingly closer to me.

"The psychopath role doesn't suit you Lukas, try again." I said coldly. Lukas chuckled, and once again observed the burning house.

"I'm not a psychopath Amy, but I know some people who are. Take your boyfriend for example, have you forgotten what he did to me?" Lukas said in a low voice, his fingers brushing his cheekbone, feeling the memory of a bruise. I stiffened and Lukas stared into my eyes.

"After all, he knew this would happen too, he knew everything." Lukas murmured, his knuckles tracing my cheekbone.

"Liar, you liar! Get the hell away from me." I screamed, bracing myself to fight back and burning with rage. Lukas took a step back.

"It's a shame you choose Jake, you and I would've had fun together." Jake mused, dark eyes glittering. The threat was empty, another thing to get me of balance.

"You do look beautiful in red." Lukas murmured and disappeared, leaving me standing alone. Leaving me with too many questions, and too many fears. And a horrible feeling in my stomach. Because if Lukas was telling the truth and Jake had known about this; then there was no going back from this. Then he was well and truly lost. I looked towards the lake, where Elle and Rose where standing together, the latter comforting Elle, soothing her anguish. I had an awful feeling that I had been wrong all along. That I'd been mistaken and fooled just like every other student at Prepsworth. Because I had a feeling that the real enemy wasn't Rose, no, it was the boy retreating into the darkness, whistling a merry tune. And even if he'd been manipulated into being a monster, if he'd become one by being so close to Rose, who seemed to attract such darkness, he still was one. He'd still burnt a house down and perhaps an entire forest. And I had to face him , I couldn't hide away, no, not this time. This time I had to stand my ground and fight. Even if it cost me everything.


"Come on everyone, we've got to get out of here now!" Emma yelled, ushering people to their cars. I looked towards the forest, devoured by bright flames and saw Amy standing near the lake, gazing towards the forest. I raced towards her, the smoke stinging my lungs as I gasped in air.

"Amy, we need to go. Amy?" I screamed out, my hoarse voice shaking, but Amy remained unmoving, staring towards the forest.

"Amy? Amy are you okay?" I asked as I reached her. Amy didn't look at me, and kept her head turned away to the burning forest.

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