" It isnt gonna go away Baby girl" CG

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The one you get your soulmates name on your wrist when you turn 16, you had a hard time finding yours, until your bestfriend makes a shocking discovery.


2 hours. I was only 2 hours away from being 16 and finally getting my soulmates name on my wrist.

I anxiously sat on my bed with my dog. I was just starting to fall asleep when my phone started to ring.

I jumped up and grabbed it. I smiled as the contact picture of my best friend Charlie smiled back at me.

I quickly accepted the call and put the phone up to my ear. " Y/N!" Charlie screamed in my ear. I hummed in response.

" Its offically (your birthdate) and I am determined to be the first one to know your soulmates name!" I could hear his giant smile through the phone.

" That would be a no Mr. Gillespie." I said with little emotion in my voice. He gasped. " What!?!? why!" I laughed.

" Charlie you have known your soulmates name for 2 years and havent told me, I refuse to tell first when I have been bugging you about it for a whole 2 years." He sighed. " Fine. If you must be difficult. I'm going back to bed." I smiled. " I am picking at 7:45 tomorrow be ready."

I could hear his scowl through the phone. I said my good nights and turned my phone off to go to sleep.


"Happy birthday my beautiful, wonderful, amazing, generous-" I cut my mother off. "Heres my wrist just stop yelling."

She quickly grabs my wrist and inspects it. She breaks out into a huge smile and kisses my forehead. " Oh, your birthday present is on the kitchen table." She said leaving my room.

I sat up in my bed and grabbed my wrist with my opposite hand. Charles. I didnt know a Charles. My heart hurt. I was secretly hoping Charlie would be my soulmate.

I sighed and slowly got ready for the day. I made my way down the stairs slowly and saw a nicely wrapped box. I smiled and walked over to it. I slowly unwrapped it and saw a beautiful charm bracelet. I look over to where my mom was cooking and ran to give her a huge hug.

" Thanks mom." I mumble into her shoulder. She turned and kissed my head. " No problem honey, Make sure you're ready to go Charlie will be here soon." I nodded and put the charm bracelet on my wrist where the name was tattooed and set the box back on the counter.

Almost as if on cue there was a series of knocks on my front door. I ran to the door almost tripping over my own feet and opened the door.

There was my boy. Standing tall and looking down at me. " Happy birthday Y/n!" He said letting himself in a giving me a bone crushing hug while lifting my feet off the floor by an inch.

I hug back to the best of my ability. He breaks away from the hug and walks over to the kitchen to greet my mother.

" Morning Miss L/n." Charlie says sitting on the counter. " Good morning Charlie, how are you." Charlie and her continued their conversation as I ran to my room to get my bag.

I picked it up and put it on my shoulders. "Y/n hurry up we will be late for school!" Charlie yelled from the kitchen.

I took a quick look in the mirror and gave myself a nod. Let's go find a Charles.


The school day was rough. Everyone kept asking who my soulmate was. If it wasnt for my bracelet everyone would've found out too.

Charlie Gillespie/Luke Patterson imagines Where stories live. Discover now