" I'd marry you with paper rings" LP

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Based on the song by Taylor Swift, Paper rings.


Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet

Dead. Julie had dead friends. After I heard the word " they're ghosts" come out of Julies mouth I rushed home and looked them up.

Sure enough there was a picture of Luke, Reggie, and Alex along with another boy, from 1995.

I clicked on a link to Lukes information. There wasnt much, considering they died right when they were about to take off.

Of course the one boy I had to find attractive and feel attracted to had to die 25 years earlier.


Like a cold shoulder I gave you in the street
Cat and mouse for a month or two or three

I tried to distance myself from the boy. I couldnt fall for a ghost. It's a miracle I can even see them.

"Y/n! Heads up!" I look up and see a basketball heading for my head. My reaction was not fast enough.

I got hit square in the nose.

Soon enough I had Julie, Alex, Reggie and of course Luke all surrounding me looking down at me.

" ohmygosh are you okay!?" Alex take my arm helping me up. I nodded.

" Your nose is bleeding Y/n." Julie said "I'm going to get a towel I'll be right back."

Alex guided me to a bench and sat me down.

" I- I didnt mean to hit you Y/n" Luke stuttered out.

I gave a slight nod and took the towel from an out of breath Julie.


A week after Luke hit me I had barely spoke a sentence to him.

We were practicing in Julies band (yes I'm apart of the band) when we spoke next.

"Take 5 guys its sounds amazing" Julie says smiling at all of us.

I put my mic back in the stand and walk over to the mini fridge where Alex and Luke are standing to get a water.

"Hey Y/n" I give a small smile back at Luke.

He looks at Alex with a questioning face. Alex just shrugged.

I sipped my water when Alex tipped the bottle to make it spill all over me.

I gasped " I absolutely hate you!"

Laughing with Alex I hit him in the shoulder and reach past him to grab a napkin.

I finished my small conversation with Alex and then walked back to get ready to practice again.

Leaving a very confused Luke.

This happened for at least a month.

That was until I broke the promise with myself that said I would never date Luke.


In winter, in the icy outdoor pool
When you jumped in first, I went in too
I'm with you even if it makes me blue

Julie was laughing her head off at the boys silly antics.

Standing outside in front of Julies frozen over pool as they acted like they were going to jump in.

"it's not like we can die of hypothermia." Luke said taking off his shirt.

He then jumped into the pool cause me and Julie to scream.

Charlie Gillespie/Luke Patterson imagines Where stories live. Discover now