"You're okay, it's okay"

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• Blood
• abuse
• alchohol
• offensive launguage
Tommy helps tubbo after his mom abuses him

"If I see your fat ass again, you'll get worse than a few hits"
His mother said that to him yesterday.
He had managed to stay in his room all of today, but he had to use the restroom.
His mother just happened to be in it.
His mother had been drinking that day.
Tubbo had walked down the stairs, being as quiet as possible.
He walked up to the bathroom door
It suddenly slammed open, hitting him dead in the face.
The 'Mother' stood over tubbo
"What the fuck did I tell you?"

Tubbo walked up the stairs, blood dripping from his forehead, he was wishing that the alchohol bottle didnt get any glass stuck in him.
He opened his room door, then closed and locked it.

He took the bandages he had in his nightstand, and got a mirror.
He inspected his head, "no glass".

He took the bandages and wrapped it around himself.

Tubbo dropped the bandages.
Finally realizing what had happened
The glass bottle, the punches, the slaps.
It all felt like all the physical pain had turned into mental.
He broke down.
He was crying, quietly, air unable to fill his lungs

Its been an hour since he was hurt.
Tubbo couldnt calm down, he was silently yelling, violently shaking, blood filling up the bandage.
Suddenly, he heard a tap on his window.

Tubbo stood, recognizing the voice, shakily, he walked, going to the window.
He unlocked it, and barely opened it an inch before collapsing, and curling up in a ball.
The boy outside opened the window.
He asked

Tubbo curled in on himself more.
Hugging his legs tight.
The boy closed the window, and went to Tubbo.
"T-TOmMy?" Tubbo had said, between sobs.

"Yeah, im here" The boy, now in the room cuddling Tubbo said.
Tommy rubbed Tubbos back.
"Im here"

Tubbo had calmed down, only able to with the help of Tommy.
"You okay now Tubbo?"

Tubbo shook his head no.
Tommy sighed, and uncurled Tubbo.
He put his hands on tubbos cheeks, squishing them, making him look like a 'fish'.

"Can you tell me what happened?"
Tubbo pulled Tommys hands off and hugged tommy, putting his head in the crook of his neck, feeling warmth.

"My m-mom"
Tommy hughed Tubbo back, playing with his hair
"S-she, she t-told me t-tHat-"
Tubbo sobbed, loudly.
"Th-that If I c-came out of my r-room, she w-would do w-worse than a f-few hits"

Tommy played with tubbos hair more, one of his hands going down to tubbos back and rubbing it.

"S-she hit me w-with her b-bottle"

Tubbos hug tightened around tommy.

Tommys eyebrows scrunched, he grit his teeth
"We need to call the police" tommy spoke

Tubbo nodded.
Tommy reached in his pocket,
"911, whats your emergency...."

The police arrived at the house.
Tommy and tubbo crawled out the window before then.
"Is she in there" a cop asked
Tommy nodded, petting tubbos hair hugging him.
"Youre okay, its okay"
Tubbo smiled into tommys chest while hugging him

"I love you tommy"
"Love you too Tubbo"


Hope you enjoyed <3

♡~ Tubbo + Tommyinnit ~ Oneshots ~♡Where stories live. Discover now