Chapter 24

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Third Person POV:

  The room was quiet, save for the sound of both boys’ labored breaths. When they remembered to breathe. In that moment nothing else mattered. Each was too lost in the other to care about anything else.

But they probably should have remembered to close the door, at least.

Ahem.” A painfully familiar voice broke through the silence.

They reluctantly pulled away, but stayed close. The vampire’s hand lingered around the other’s waist protectively as the boy hid behind him in embarrassment.

“In my defense, the door was wide open.” Lou-Ellen argued in response to Will’s glare.

“I’m only here to deliver a message, it’s not like I was expecting a free show.” She added with a smirk, making the human hide further behind Will.

“What do you want Lou?”

“Asclepius wants to see you. Both of you.” She finally told them, throwing the human in the room a quick glance.

“Any idea why?” He had just been to see the doctor. Asclepius would have told Will anything he needed to know then, right?

“Of course not. It’s none of my business.”

Will scoffed at her statement. Lou-Ellen made everything her business; and did so without remorse too. He wasted no time in reminding her of exactly that.

“I think it would be better if I kept my nose out of this one.” She answered with a shrug

“Better for me, or you?”

“Take a wild guess.” And with that smart-ass comment, she walked away, leaving the boys to follow after her.

They watched her leave the room, but didn’t follow just yet. They had other, more pressing matters to address.

“Uh, yeah, about…”

“I’m sorry!” The human blurted suddenly. Will very nearly face-palmed.

“For crying out loud, you need to stop apologizing for everything! Especially when it’s not even your fault.”

“But I…”

“You didn’t do anything. It was just as much my fault as it was yours.

“Not that I’m complaining.” He added, muttering the last part under his breath. He didn’t need his Angel knowing how bad he had it.

“And don’t even think about apologizing for apologizing.” He added when the boy was about to speak again.

“Come on! Asclepius hates being kept waiting.”  Leaving no room for argument, Will grabbed his mate’s arm and began to walk in the direction of the clinic, leaving the poor confused boy to stumble along behind him.


The human fidgeted nervously under the unblinking stare of the old doctor.

“So, he speaks.” The doctor noted, never moving his gaze from the boy, making him sink further into the large plush seat he’d been placed in.

“Yes, he does. But I doubt he’ll be doing any speaking if you keep on scaring him like that.”

“Scaring, you say? I’ve done nothing of the sort. I have barely even moved an inch since you arrived.”

“Exactly. That kind of thing freaks people out. Staring at them longer than necessary would do that too.”

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