Chapter 22

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Will's POV:

I couldn't think straight. Every single cell in my body was craving it. Calling for it. Telling me to turn back and finish what I'd started. If it had been a second later I'd have gotten what I craved.

I walked through the winding hallways with purposeful slowness, trying to give myself time to clear my head. It wasn't working. I could feel the odd sensation in my eyes, meaning they'd yet to return to their normal color. The feeling wasn't as strong or as noticeable as it was a few minutes ago, but it was there and that meant something was still wrong.

I was at the clinic before I wanted to be, but I knew I needed answers sooner rather than later. If I put it off any longer I would end up hurting him. And I couldn't let that happen.

I made my way through the clinic, everyone knowing by now to stay out of my way, and soon reached the door of Asclepius' office. I stood in front of it for a minute, gathering my scattered thoughts, before knocking.

"Come in, William." Weird flex, but okay.

I walked in hesitantly. He didn't bother looking up from whatever it was he was reading, and just gestured to the seat in front of him. I sat down and waited through the awkward silence I was being subjected to.

After another couple minutes that seemed a lot longer than it actually was, Asclepius finally pushed the documents aside and stared at me through his wire-rims that he didn't actually need but wore for...aesthetic purposes. He pulled then off and set them aside before leaning back in his chair.

"Alright. What did you do this time?" I would be offended by his assumption that I'd messed up, if he wasn't right.

I sighed, not exactly wanting to remember what happened just less than an hour ago. Then I realized that my eyes still felt weird, which meant they still weren't normal. But he hadn't called me out on it.

"What color are my eyes right now?" I asked, trying to figure out if he'd noticed and was just ignoring it.

"Purple. More of magenta, actually. Why do you ask?"

I stared at him incredulously.

"Why do I ask? WhY dO I asK?!" I was beyond frustrated by his cynicism.

"Because it's not fucking normal, that's why I ask! Because last time I checked, my eyes were not purple, oh wait, they're 'more of magenta'." I was completely triggered at this point. I could have hurt him. He probably though I was just like them. He hated me now. Just when I thought we were making progress.

"William, calm down. Whatever it is you did, I doubt he hates you for it."

"No, no. You don't understand. He finally opens up to me and I go and ruin it by being so fucking stupid!"

Asclepius got up and walked over to my now shaking form. He placed a hand on my shoulder and I flinched at the contact but didn't brush it off.

"I don't think he'll hate you for almost feeding from him. And I'm sure he doesn't think you're anything like them. So calm down." He finished, flicking my forehead at the last statement.

"Ow! What was that for?" I complained, rubbing at my throbbing fore head.

"That... was for raising your voice at me. And for swearing." He grinned. Sometimes, I forget this man was over a century old. Especially when he barely looked thirty-five.

"Now tell me. What exactly is the problem?" He asked, sitting back down.

"The problem is that I almost... Wait, you already know. How?"

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