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"Jiminie!" Jihyo, one of his co-workers, cheered once he came to her to greet her.

"Guys, I can't believe you came. Thank you." He teared up a bit, hugging Jihyo tightly.

It's been almost two months since he started working at home, which means it's been a month since he last saw his co-workers.

"You're looking so cute!" Krystal said, caressing his big belly with a pouty grimace. "Ji, let me ask you something: are all of your friends from the valley?" She asked with a directed look and a mischievous smirk.

Jimin followed her camp of vision and held his laughter as he realized who she was gawking at.

"If you're talking about the hot guy with a sharp jaw who keeps eating you out with his eyes, then no, he's not from the valley. His name is Kim Jongin, but everyone calls him Kai." Jimin giggled at those two and playfully elbowed Krystal to tease her.

"Seriously Krystal? We're here for Jimin, not to flirt." Jeongyeon, their manager, scolded her once she approached the tiny work colleagues' group.

Jimin looked at her with wide eyes; he wasn't expecting her to come, since they didn't have the greatest relationship at work.

"I hope you don't mind that I came; the girls insisted," Jeongyeon spoke with a tense and bothered stance, avoiding looking at the pregnant boy but forcing herself to do so.

"N-no, I wasn't expecting, but I don't mind." He answered honestly, and she shortly nodded as she looked away again.

"Hm, we've been missing having you around at work." She added, nonchalant, and Jimin's eyes bulged out at her declaration while a soft smile surged on his lips afterward.

They used to prod and provoke each other constantly, always speaking ill of one another behind their backs. Jimin was supposed to be a manager before Jeongyeon was promoted, so that was the main reason why they were always on bad terms.

In all truth, it was just healthy competition and mostly teasing; they didn't really hate each other, but it still surprised him to hear such a confession.

"I miss working with you guys too." He said softly to her, seeing the tension in her shoulders undo quickly, and a tiny smile appeared on her always stern look.

"We brought the decoration," she said, and Jimin looked at all the balloons, ornaments, and kitchen pieces he knew he didn't own and nodded.

"Thanks a lot."

After talking with his co-workers, Jimin went to his college friends, hugging them tightly with a big smile on his face. Yoongi was with them, most probably catching up on years of talk.

Yoongi lip-smiled awkwardly when Jimin hesitated to hug him as a greeting; it was the first time they were face-to-face since the ultrasound. Kai and Taemin chuckled at the scene, and Jimin decided to pretend he hadn't just acted like a clown.

"Guys, I'm so happy you're here," Jimin said, turning to the other two.

✔ 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘'𝐒 𝖋𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗(𝖘)🔞 pjm x btsWhere stories live. Discover now