He lowers his glasses down onto the bridge of his nose, allowing him to read the name on the card better. After we pay, he waddles around the desk, motioning us to follow him. We allow him to lead us down the hall on the right, to the last two rooms.

"I'm sorry, but I only have two rooms on this end and one on the other side available," he informs. While fishing two small keys out of his breast pocket and handing them over to Skylar.

"Do you need me to show you to the other side, or would you like the key?" he asks, pulling another single key from a different key ring. This one is attached to his belt buckle.

"The keys are fine. We don't want to be a bother" Skylar smiles as she extends her hand to retrieve the last key.

After giving us all the keys and room numbers, he advised us of a few policy rules. He finishes up by letting us know if we need anything he will be at the front desk all night before he walks off. Heading back towards the way we had come from. We stand there for a few moments, watching his backside as he hobbles down the long hallway. Stopping several times to adjust, various pictures hung on the wall.

"So obviously me and Hope are getting a room. Umm, how are you guys dividing the other two?" Skylar asks hesitantly once the old man has disappeared from view.

You can tell she's trying to avoid the heavy awkwardness that seems to of filled the air.

"How about the girls take one room and the boys the other?" Hope suggests with a slight shrug of her shoulders, lying her head down to rest on Sky's shoulder.

Jessica's cheeks turn a dark shade of red as she fidgets around nervously. I can sense she doesn't want to be my roommate. My heart drops into my stomach. I know who she wants to sleep next to.

"I was kind of hoping to share a room with Ben," Jessica stammers. This completely caught everyone off guard. Especially me.

"I mean, of course, if that's okay. If not, I don't care to share a room with Bex." She smiles at me over Hayden's shoulder, still shuffling around in place.

"I mean, I guess if Hayden and Bex don't have a problem sharing a room, I don't see the big deal. All the rooms have two beds anyway," Skylar states, giving me a sideways glance.

"It doesn't matter to me. I've been driving for three hours. And after stopping at that hamburger spot, I'm ready to shower and crash," Hayden mumbles. He looked down at the floor while adjusting the bag on his shoulders. He seems irritated at the suggestion of us rooming together.

"Okay, it's settled then, Ben and I will take this room next to you guys, "Jessica squeals. Satisfied with the sleeping arrangements.

"Alright, see you guys in the morning. We can meet up around ten. Sound good?" Hayden snaps as he snatches the last room key out of Sky's hand. We all nod in agreement and head off to our separate rooms.

I follow silently behind Hayden.

The other hallway is dimly lit with tiny old-fashioned oil lamps. Like the ones they use on Little House on the Prairie. Our room is the very last one at the end of the opposite hallway, room number 40.

The door creaks slightly as it swings open, revealing another small poorly lit room. Unlike the rest of the hotel, the walls are of a softer red with black smudges here and there. I don't want to even think about what they could be.

A large, older floor-model TV sits against one side of the room. Two twin beds are positioned parallel along the opposite wall. Each one is adorned with what looks like handstitched multi-colored tile quilts. Along with several matching pillowcases.

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