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I just wanna get right into this one.

Again IRL, Lore, and stuff hehe Technoblade backstory.

CW: broken families, trauma, slight gore

When Technoblade was very very little, he was born into a poor family. They couldn't afford to pay for enough to provide for the whole family. When Technoblade was four years old, with great sorrow, his parents decided to sell Technoblade for a considerable sum of money to the government.

After looking over the papers, it seemed as though they would pay his parents a good sum of money for Technoblade to just stay and play with toys for a week. They would get him back later.

That was a lie.

The government erased Technoblade's parent's memories right infront of him. They would remember nothing. Nothing about him. They would believe they were a middle class couple who've just said their vows a few months ago.

Technoblade cried and fought and struggled. They put him to sleep. They did extensive experiments and tests, turning him into a half pig boy.

When they were done, they cast him out like a broken toy, old and used and unwanted. Techno's undying hatred for the government and authority only grew from that day.


After years of trying to fight and teaching himself how to live, he found his family again, happy and wealthy. He was about to knock at the door, but then he remembered that his parents wouldn't remember him.

"Hewo?" A little boy spoke.

"Who are you?"

"Tommy," the boy squeaked. "This is my house."

Of course they have another kid.

At first resentment filled technoblade's insides and he wanted to use his street smarts to take this kid down.

The little boy stumbled over and clumsily gave him a hug. Techno staggered.

Days past and Techno stopped by everyday trying to gain the confidence to tell his parents the truth, even though he was now a grotesque pig boy and it had been six years.

Everyday, though, Tommy was in the front yard, waiting for Technoblade.

His admiration for Tommy grew and Technoblade felt something he hadn't felt in a very long time. Love. He loved his brother.

Just as the two were playing and having fun, their parents barged out in fear of seeing the monster he had become, play on their lawn with their little boy, they shooed him away and broke his heart all over again.


Technoblade decided he needed to make some money, or some form of living. He couldn't feel or imagine or think, but he has always been a good physical sport.

Technoblade joined a specific group of people that got rid of specified targets permanently. From age 10-25, Technoblade slayed target after target, rising in the ranks. He numbed down his emotions and never had any connections to people, but the fear of abandonment still lingered around him everyday.


One day many years later, another man had risen into the same Rank as Technoblade and a specifically difficult target was a job needed for two men.

Techno had heard of Eret and he respected him greatly. He didn't expect that they were going to teach him how to feel once again.

A friend.

Their quest to defeat the target, Herobrine, was the most infamous in the world. He was going to be difficult and it was rumored that the dead lights in his eyes could turn a man insane.

The two set off for a fight and with great difficulty they defeated Herobrine, but didn't leave unscathed. The infamous dead lights brought the trauma of both of them to life. Eret went blind and Technoblade was turned even more piglike, the abandonment he had experienced in his childhood began to resurface and Eret's pain was too much for Technoblade to endure.

He ran back to the group founder, the only other man that Herobrine was scared of, Dream. Seeing as his two best men were broken and near dead, he provided them with special enchantments in the form of crowns that were meant to suspend all trauma from affecting the wearer. Eret got back some sight and nearly recovered from insanity. Technoblade never truly forgot about his pain, but it was better.

Things went on, and everything was okay, until a young boy and his friends came along. A boy named Tommy.

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