The Clock on the Wall

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Okay I'm not saying I'm a Dream Apologist however, I am going to write a Dream Apologist fanfiction one-shot for you today.

So for background, this is going on the theory that Dreamon is possessing Ranboo to help get Dream out of the prison, but Dream doesn't want that.

Sorry if it's a confusing one, i wanted it to be a little hard to understand and it is supposed to feel like a fever dream you can't quite grasp.

Anyway, Enjoy the fanfiction.

TW: Manipulation, physical harm, bruises, blood, panic attacks, issues with derealization

Ranboo shivered.

He felt a wave of doubt and anger wash over him, an anger he couldn't control. But with this anger came power. A power he had never felt before and had fear of being unable to control it.

His fears were correct.

He blacked out.

Dream stirred in his cell to a growling coming from his clock.

He rubbed his eyes and tried to hoist himself up. It had been weeks since the cuffs were put on, and the chain was relatively long so he could function in his cell normally, but they were still heavy.

"What do you want," Dream groaned.

"I wanted to say that Ranboo is making progress for us, young one." The voice in the clock growled.

"I told you to stop using him. He's just a kid. Didn't you have your fun when you were inside me?" Dream sunk against the wall, as far away from the clock as he could get.

"But Dream, don't you want power again? Don't you want to be feared? That rush, Don't you wan that?"

"No! I don't. Everyone hated me because of you. I hurt so many people because of you. I'm safe from you here now. You can't get to me, you're too weak!" Dream began to laugh uncontrollably. "You can't get me here! I'm free! And you can't hurt anyone else because you need my consent to do it!"

"Oh, naïve little boy. I am growing more powerful. You never told me to use Ranboo to get you out of here, I did that myself, for us." The voice hissed.


The clock met his face with a hard slap and clattered to the floor. A shard of glass struck stuck to his face and blood trickled down his cheek.

Ranboo came to in the middle of a field underneath a beat up tree. A clock looked burned into the trunk of the large oak looming above him.

A warm trickle made its way down his face, Ranboo held up a hand and brought it back down to reveal blood.

Ranboo began to panic, his hands shook and his heart was beating  fast. His mind was closing in, the world, though seemingly vast, was closing in on him.

Where was he? How did he get here? Why was he bleeding? Why was his head splitting? Why did he feel so compromised? Why did he feel so fake, like a useless puppet on strings?

Ranboo ran.

He ran until his legs couldn't carry him anymore and if his mind had been clear, he could've sworn he skipped many miles at a time with no energy at all.

Ranboo didn't care to look behind him, or find really where he was going, he just needed to find a place to stay.

Ranboo ran so quickly he was utterly unaware of the small child he almost ran over.

"Woah, Ranboo! What's wrong buddy?" Tubbo waved his hands up in the air.

"Tubbo?" Ranboo choked. Tears had begun to stream and crack the now dry blood on his cheek. He couldn't stop shaking. Why couldn't he stop shaking?

"Hey, hey, hey. Let's go sit down, tell me what happened, we'll call Sam, we'll get you help." Tubbo lead Ranboo into his home in Snowchester and offered him some water and fish.

"Drink. Talk to me when you are ready, okay? Take your time."

Ranboo nodded and drank slowly. "Tubbo he's trying help Dream escape," Ranboo said after a few moments.

Tubbo tried to hide his panic, but his eyes widened and his ears twitched, his small horns even shook a little bit. "I'm sorry, what? Who?"

"I don't know but he hurts me, Tubbo. I don't know why he is or why he keeps hurting me but he is so mean to me, he just, I'm just an empty sleeve for him to use, I don't feel attached to myself anymore. It feels like he is the only one in control of me."

Tubbo nodded. "You're safe here. Sam is on his way. He will help."



"I don't think Dream wants out. I think the bad guy is doing to him what he's doing to me. I think Dream wasn't all intentionally being so bad, I think it was that thing-"

Ranboo began to convulse. His one eye glowed a bright green and the other seared a bright red, his hair stood up on end and his skin went sickly pale and dark. His mouth fell open revealing nothing but emptiness and he screamed. An unearthly, inhuman scream, one not even an enderman could produce. Ranboo twitched and tried to fight it, trying to push down the Panic and fight off the demon.

Tubbo stepped back in horror and Ranboo fell to the ground.

The clock buzzed again in Dream's cell.

"Go away." Dream grumbled.

The clock hummed louder, angrier.

"What do you want from me!" Dream snapped. "I just want you to leave me alone!"

"Our puppet is getting stronger, he fights me off, with great difficulty, yes, but he was able to avoid me once. It took all the energy out of him, crumpled to the floor like a sack of skins." The clock hissed. A deep growling voice struggled its way through the small yellow circle on the wall.

"Good, that only means next time he'll get stronger, and stronger. And one day, he will defeat you, and we will both be safe and you will be dead." Dream spat.

"No, no. Don't get that tone with me young man, you belong to me. There is no escaping me, I am intertwined with you, the only person who can save you, is the only person that can't reach you, yourself."

A/N: Headcanon that Dream, Dreamon, and DreamXD are all the same person just spliced at birth.

"You don't own me, I am part you that you can never have, and you hate that. I have a heart, I have a soul, I've fallen in love, I have friends, and you HATE that!" Dream growled back.

"SHUT UP! I AM THE ONLY ONE WITH ANY POWER HERE! You are worthless and so is he. I will get my power back, I will be free and I will have this entire SMP under my rule or so help me I will rip every blade of grass from the ground and every ore from the caves until the earth is bare and everyone must bow to me. And I am going to use you, and Ranboo, and whoever else I need to do it. You are nothing, but I am everything. Show me some respect."

"I will show you respect once you stop using others to fuel your own selfish acts."

"You're one to talk."

"You should be looking at what you've made me do."

"If I come back, and you are not willing to help me, I will be the last voice you ever hear."

"Well I'd rather be dead than be used by you."

And with that, the clock silenced and Dream sighed. He felt empty, and he felt awful.

That's just what happens when you're alone and scared, people come to use you, and one way or the other, they always get what they want.

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