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Hi! Nikki meeting Ghostbur AU! :)



TW: Mentions of bombs

Nikki sat down under a tree by the river. All of this scheming had been so exhausting, mentally and physically.

Nikki let her hands fall into the river. She sighed as the cool water caressed her hands and the fish nibbled on her fingertips.

She giggled, remembering when she used to come down with Wilbur when they were teenagers. Sometimes Philza would make them take Tommy and Tubbo. Techno never wanted to come.

The river was shallow, it barely reached her hips, but when they were younger it reached their shoulders. She remembered sitting at the side with Wilbur watching Tommy and Tubbo splash around in the clear depths. They used to make Nikki and Wilbur judge their swimming and diving.

Nikki smiled at the memory. But now Tommy had betrayed her, Tubbo was off in Snowchester advocating for communism as protection against Technoblade, and Wilbur was- Wilbur was dead.

Killed by his own father after setting off the bomb that destroyed L'manburg for one of the last times. Nikki felt tears beginning to form, and she let them flow.

Where had she gone? Why had she gone this far, only to loose so much?

Everything hurt. Sobs wracked her body. She was angry with the injustice plaguing her world, angry with Schlatt and Dream, angry with Tommy and Tubbo, angry with Wilbur.

She punched the tree as hard as she could, leaves sprinkled her head. She didn't know what to do, what to do, what to do.

Jack was supposed to be her friend, he was supposed to help her out, but then he had other plans, now working for Tommy and Tubbo, he abandoned their plan after one failed attempt. She couldn't go to Jack, not now. She thought about Philza, he promised her a home, a family, but now he's off alone. Alone with Technoblade and Ranboo, as alone as one can be. Ranboo was like a brother to her for so long, but he went off, trying to deal with his own issues. She had no one to go to.

Maybe she could go off alone too. Be by herself in the woods, bake to her hearts content. Fill the air with the scent of warm treats and fresh bread, just like she used to years ago. It felt so long ago, that peaceful time before the wars, before Schlatt and Dream, before L'manburg and before things started spiraling out of control.

She was strong, she would make it. Nikki released a soft breath. She removed her boots and once again sat down by the river bank. She let her legs dangle in the soft flow of the water, she pulled Wilburs coat tighter around her shoulders. It still smelled like him, just a little bit. The scent reminded her of Wilbur, yes, but also those dinners they used to have, with the sleepy bois family and tubbo and Eret.

After a moment, all Nikki could do was laugh. She didn't know why, or how, but she laughed. Long and hard. It felt good to laugh, even if she didn't know what she was laughing about.

"Nikki?" A small voice said from behind her. "Nikki? Is that you? I remember your laugh! I remember!"

Nikki spun around in confusion. "Who's there?"

"Oh! I forgot! You haven't met me yet! I'm ghostbur!" Ghostbur hovered out from behind a tree not far off.


"Well yes, but no. I heard that Alivebur did a lot of bad things, so I don't know if I want to be him. But I am Ghostbur and I only remember good things from my life."

"I'm sorry, how do you remember me?" Nikki was puzzled, they hadn't really been that close at the end, had they?

"Of course I remember you! Nikki, you're in my book! I remember your bakery, and I remember you at- well I don't remember where it was, but I remember you from there. And I remember- Oh! I remember this river!" Ghostbur leaned down to touch the water before curling away. "Ouch! Oh, I forgot I can't touch water."

Nikki stood there awestruck. Wilbur was alive, in a sense. He was here and he was sweet and he was utterly clueless. "Wilbur! I missed you!"

She wrapped him in a big warm hug, and Ghostbur hugged back.

"This is nice, I missed you a lot too, Nikki." Ghostbur whispered.

"Yeah, it is." Tears brimmed Nikki's eyes but this time, she was happy. She couldn't bring herself to be mad at him. He was so adorable and different. "Why don't you sit with me for a moment."

"I cannot touch the water," Ghostbur sweetly frowned.

""You don't have to touch the water, just sit with me."

And so there they sat. In a comfortable silence that neither of them really knew they needed.

Just like old times, the two of them sitting by the river, watching the sunset.

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