Lake day

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I wanted to provide you guys with this fluff that has absolutely zero thing to do with the Dream SMP plot line, however it is placed in the "irl SMP" that we've been utilizing for these one shots so far.

I know that Fundy is being adopted and his relationship with Wilbur is not good right now but i needed some family content so i decided to set this a relatively long while ago because I wanted to bring you some family fluff. So here, it's just a family going for a lake day.

No shipping is done in this chapter.

CW: small cliffs and large bodies of water (not in any way that is harmful to anyone in the story, just thought i would include it just in case)

Philza placed down the blanket and basket with a sigh. He knew adopting children was going to have its challenges, but he didn't know that one of those would be carrying enough to feed two families.

Wilbur and Nihachu came behind carrying even more food and blankets. The three aligned the blankets and placed stones along the edge. A slight gentle breeze blew through, not quite enough to be a nuisance but not too little to be undetectable. The sun was just the perfect degree of warmth, one that sinks into your shoulders like a blanket after you leave a cold building.

The water was clear and blue. Sparkles danced across the lake giving it a kind welcoming glow.

Tommy ran out from behind Wilbur and Niki with Fundy, Tubbo, and Quackity following close behind. He stopped abruptly when he saw the cliff. "Oh I'm not going first," he said.

"Not now, no one is going first until you guys help Philza, Niki and I fix the food and blankets out. The boys collectively groaned before helping to lay everything down in perfect order, leaving spaces for comfortable seating along the edges.

"Can we go swimming now?" Tubbo asked sweetly.

"Yes, you may go, be careful." Niki dismissed them.
Philza brought up something about the outer districts' financial situation, something that Fundy, Quackity, Tommy, and Tubbo did not care about.

They stripped down to their swim trunks and pulled on their swim shirts. The four gingerly walked to the edge of the cliff that Wilbur said Philza used to take him to when he was a kid.

"It's not as high as it seems," Wilbur piped up, sensing their unease.

"I'm still not going first," Tommy said.

The laughter that fluttered throughout the group was bright and warm. Warmer than the noontime sun. With nothing to lose and feeling as though his happiness may overflow and pool out by his feet, Tubbo ran for it. Screaming happily his cries echoed across the lake.

A splash came from down below followed by uncontrollable laughter. Distinct uncontrollable Tubbo laughter. If you didn't know what he sounded like, you may have thought he was losing it.

Fundy and Tommy exchanged glances and followed soon after Tubbo. The three boys went around and around taking turns flipping and showing their coolest jumps to one another. Many splash battles ensued and stone skipping competitions were held.

"Boys! Come have some lunch!" Nihachu called.

They all came running to the soothing sound of her voice. Wilbur, Nihachu, and Philza were standing there ready to wrap each of them warm in towels before they sat down for food.

The spread consisted of baked potatoes, freshly grown carrots, warm bread, and some fish nuggets. (Not salmon though, because reasons.)

"Why don't you guys come swimming with us," Tubbo asked inbetween bites.

"Oh no, I don't think so." Wilbur laughed.

"Yeah, no, You guys should totally come with us it will be so fun." Fundy added.

"I don't know," Nihachu said cautiously. All three loved the water but still.

"Please, Dad," Fundy said to Wilbur.

"Oh he said Dad, Wil," Tommy said. "You NEED to come in now."

"Fine, but only for a little bit." Wilbur reluctantly adorned his swim shirt and trunks and flipped into the water below like he used to when he was little. Philza laughed as memories of baby Wilbur resurfaced. The small innocent, smiling face that ran up to him after he finally learned how to flip perfectly.

Philza got up and Nihachu followed down to the edge of the lake where the boys usually got out. The pair welcomed the sight of Wilbur hosting chicken fights between all of them, Fundy on Wilbur's shoulders and Tubbo on Tommy's.

The struggle between the four was enough to make Nihachu burst out into laughter that triggered some chuckles from Philza.

"Come join us, Nihachu!" Wilbur laughed.

"Yeah, you too, Philza" Tommy said.

"Oh I don't know guys. It looks cold." Philza provided.

"Oh you can't avoid it because of the Temperature. Besides, it's not that cold at all." Wilbur begged.

Wilbur held out a hand and he gently pulled Nihachu in. She came up laughing and semi-angrily splashing Wilbur, yelling in protest.

Philza rolled his eyes and decided he may as well join his family.

The six of them splashed and swam about, smiling like there was no other emotion until the sun left the sky.

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