Chapter 37

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Hey everybody! Texas is slowly recovering from the winter storm and I've just gotten power and clean water back. Luckily my place wasn't too damage by everything that happen, but a lot of places were. So I implore you guys to help out in any way that you can. Whether it's by donating to foundations yourself, sending clean water to a friend in Texas, or simply sharing ways to help, I ask that you all please do what you can do help. We are so lucky to have the internet in this day and age so that people even thousands of miles away can help those in need without having to be there in person. So please help in any way you can, even if it's just sharing posts.

In other news, I've been trying to think of a good title for this story. Right now I just bave a very simple, slap-in-the-facr sorta title set for this, but I really want to title it properly. So let me know of any and all ideas you guys have for titles in the comments or DMs here or on my other SNS platforms!

Luke tried to find inspiration in positive things. He wanted his songs to be a message of motivation, a light in the dark times. Right now, he wasn't sure what was motivating him to write. He just knew that his pen was moving faster than he could really keep track of.

He wasn't sure how much time had passed by the time he had finished writing. Julie had gone inside while he was busy, probably for dinner. Alex and Reggie were still in the studio, talking quietly with each other while giving him cautionary glances.

Once he had finished writing, Luke groaned and hit his head against the piano.

"You mind taking a look at this?" Luke asked Reggie, keeping his head at the piano.

He heard quiet footsteps that got closer and closer and felt Reggie's presence next to him. Luke closed his eyes as the song played in his head, the words he wrote repeating over and over in his head.

"It's great," Reggie breathed out from next to him, making Luke finally lift his head from the piano.

"Awesome," Luke said, taking the journal and standing in one swift motion. "I'm gonna get going."

"Might want to wait until morning," Alex said from his seat. "You've been working on that thing all day."

Luke looked up at the analog clock that was in the studio. He wasn't great at reading those types of clocks but knew that it was past midnight, nearing one. He had spent literal hours on that song.

"Today's Sunday," Alex said, bringing Luke's gaze to him. "You can give it to him once the sun's up."

Luke shook his head, looking down at the journal in his hands.

"He doesn't want to see me there."

"He didn't mean that," Reggie said. "He wants to see you, he's just too scared to."

Luke looked at Reggie, momentarily confused as to why he sounded like he was speaking for Jay. He then remembered how similar the two of their home lives were and let Reggie continue.

"He'd love to come over and stick with the band, but his uncle scares him," Reggie said knowingly, looking down at the floor. "Jay needs music."

"And we're gonna give it to him," Luke said, grabbing Reggie by the shoulder. "And it starts with this."

Luke raised the journal and waved it, both boys looking at him with determination. Luke nodded to them both and gave Reggie one last pat on the shoulder before he poofed away.

As he arrived in Jay's room, he was surprised to feel a draft coming in from the window. He thought Jay would be fast asleep by now, he had a better sleep schedule than most high schoolers like him. Luke stuck his head out the window and looked out towards his parents' house. He then looked back at Jay's desk and then out to the house again. Jay would have a great view of the house. He must have seen Luke visit several times but was kind enough to never bring it up.

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