Chapter 50

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It was an eventful day for the boys, to say the least.

They had spent the entire day preparing for the garage party that Ray had put together.

Then Jay had shown up and joined the band again.

And then they had all put on the performance of their lives and rocked everyone's socks off.

And then they found out that Jay could feel them for a short while and that it wasn't the first time that had happened for any of them.

And then there was the whole situation with Willie and Caleb and needing to play at the Orpheum before they were destroyed from the inside out.

So they finally poofed back to Julie's house and found out from overhearing Ray and Julie and Flynn that Jay's uncle had stopped by and things had gotten violent.

Luke and Reggie immediately wanted to poof over to Jay's house and check on him, but Alex, being the voice of reason while the two of them were at another emotional high, had stopped them and said that they needed the full story before they did or said anything rash.

So they waited until Julie and Flynn were alone to get the full story from her.

"But he's okay, right?" Luke asked for the fifth time once the girls had finished recounting the story.

"He's okay," Julie assured him. "He's in the guest room, I think he's staying with us now."

"Is Luke being the concerned boyfriend?" Flynn awed.

"We're not boyfriends," Luke scoffed.

It'd be nice if they were though.

It'd be awesome.

"Yeah, that's not gonna work anymore," Alex said snarkily. "Not after what happened earlier."

"Not sure if I still give my approval," Reggie commented.

Luke glared at the boys beside him who knew the situation they were in right now. Even if Luke and Jay wanted to be boyfriends, which he definitely wanted to, they couldn't anymore. The fact was that he was a ghost and that Jay was still alive. It never would have worked one way or another. Now that they have to cross over or be destroyed, it definitely wasn't happening.

"That's cute," Flynn said once Julie had relayed what had happened to her. "You boys should have seen him after y'all left, he was worried sick."

The three of them shared a look, knowing that Jay wouldn't take anything but the truth from them. They had to tell him and Julie eventually if they were going to play at the Orpheum, and it wouldn't be right to just leave without saying goodbye first.

"He's in the guest room down the hall," Julie said to them. "Go talk to him."

"You girls are the best," Luke said, hopping up to his feet and dashing out of Julie's room with the other boys. The three of them repeatedly peeked their heads into the rooms until they finally found the guest room, where Jay was laying on the bed with his upper body propped up against the headboard. His eyes were closed and his arms were crossed lightly over his torso, which was rising and falling slowly.

"Is he asleep?" Reggie asked in a carrying whisper.

"Definitely looks like it," Luke whispered back.

"Let's get out of here," Alex suggested. "We don't want to bother him."

"A bit too late for that boys."

Jay's somewhat raspy voice made the three ghosts freeze in place, their eyes locked onto his form on the bed. Physically, he hadn't moved at all. His eyes were still closed, arms still crossed, still laying on the bed.

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