Chapter 5

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The next day at school, Julie informed Jay about Luke's idea to play at the pep rally on Friday. Without express permission, of course.

"I mean, does he really think I'll get away with it?" she ranted as they stood by Jay's locker.

"Knowing Harrison and you, yeah," Jay said, leaning against said locker. "I think you'd get away with it."

"Don't tell me you agree with him," Julie groaned.

"I wouldn't say smash the doors with a wrecking ball, but it's not a terrible idea," Jay said, stiffling a chuckle at the girl's expression. "Show everyone that you belong in that music program, you gotta make them listen."

"I don't know Jay," Julie said. "I mean, I don't think there's enough time to get everything ready."

"Well, do you have a song in mind?"

"Kind of?" Julie posed it as more of a question than a statement, making Jay raise an inquisatory eyebrow. "Well, Luke gave me this song that he was working on before they, you know."

Jay nodded as a way to urge her to continue.

"And it's a really nice song, but I dunno if I can get it all together before Friday," Julie said, shaking her head.

"Okay," Jay said as the bell rang." How about this: I come by and help you work on the song this week. And, if you're ready by Friday, I'll get the sound system set up for your performance."

"You'd do that for me?" Julie asked.

"Of course," Jay said, smiling at her. "You're basically my sister at this point. I'd do anything for you, Jules."

Julie wrapped her arms around Jay's torso and squeezed him tightly in a hug. Jay was shocked by the sudden movement, taking a step back from the force, but quickly put his arms around Julie's small form, a hand resting on her head.

"Alright, now get to class," Jay said as they pulled away. "I'll see you in a bit."

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