The End...?

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So that's it.

That's the end of the first season of Julie and The Phantoms.

Now I know a lot of you are probably saying "that can't be the end!" Especially since I left you all with a bit of a cliffhanger. But this isn't the end of Jay's story, this is just the end of season 1.

Now I know we've all been waiting a long time for Julie and The Phantoms to get a season two announcement. In fact, it's been almost a whole year since the show was first released on Netflix (maybe I should have planned things so that the final chapter would've come out on the one year anniversary of the show's release. Oh well. Missed opportunity.)

But like I said, this isn't the end of Jay's story. So you all may be wondering "what's next?"

Well, that all depends.

If we get a season two, then I will try to integrate Jay's story into the story of that season. Now I know that may seem like a big if considering we've heard no news from Netflix, Kenny, or the rest of the staff and cast. But I'm holding out hope for a season two announcement soon, especially when you look at how well received Julie and The Phantoms was and how well it performed on Netflix.

If there isn't a season two announcement or release, then I'll simply come up with my own story. A completely original storyline that still stays true to all the characters.

But no matter what happens, we will all have to wait.

So while we wait, I will be taking a bit of a break. My senior year of high school has just started and the month of September is going to be pretty busy for me. So I'll be taking a break from writing anything during September (yes I have been writing other stories while publishing this one, talk about multitasking.)

Come October I will start publishing chapter of my new story. I do not have a title for it yet, but I can tell you that it is based on another rather popular Kenny Ortega trilogy that was released in the past decade. A trilogy that also featured Booboo Stewart.

I'm sure some of you know what that trilogy is by now.

But yeah. That's the plan.

To summarize: I'll be taking a break during September and will start publishing chapters of my new story in October. Depending on what news we do or don't receive regarding Julie and The Phantoms, I'll probably start writing the sequel to this story sometime next year. It seems like a long wait, I'm sure. But I think the time will pass a lot faster than we all think.

Thank you all for all the support that you have shown this story. Every single vote put a stupid smile on my face, every single time one of you added this story to one of your reading lists made me happy, reading all of your comments as you took this journey made me so excited. This story started out as an idea with me and my best friend and I had originally written it just for us. I never would have expected things to blow up this much and I am so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you who took the time out of your day to read the chapters as they were published.

I've gone on for quite a bit, but I believe I've said everything I wanted to for now. So I'll be signing off here. I hope you all have an amazing day, week, month, and year. I'll see you all soon.

Finally Free -- JATP Luke x MaleOCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora