Chapter 14

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"Yes, please," Luke said, jumping to his feet. "But remind us later, there's some Sunset Curve songs we want to show you."

"Ooh, show us now!" Julie said, moving the microphone away from her mouth.

"I wanna see what you guys came up with," Jay agreed, sitting on the table next to where Julie was.

"Home Is Where My Horse Is," Luke said as he picked up his songbook. "Reggie, stop putting your country songs in my journal."

"That was a gift," Reggie said, pointing at the piece of paper that Luke had set aside.

"Thanks buddy," Luke said, hitting Reggie lightly with the journal before handing it to Julie. "I dog-earred the ones I think you would slay."

Julie took the journal and began flipping through its pages, pausing on one that said "Unsaid Emily."


Emily Patterson?

"Who's Emily?" Julie asked, a smile appearing on her face.

Oh, she thinks it's a love song.

"That one's not dog eared," Luke said, making a move to grab his journal away from the girl, but Julie pulled away. Luke's face fell as Julie read a lyric from the page and Jay shot to his feet, flooded with a feeling of empathy. Not even a couple of days ago, he was feeling the same way Luke is right now.

"Okay, that's enough," Jay said, swiping the journal from Julie, who gave a protest. Jay gave her a quick glare, a silent message to stop. He mouthed the word 'boundaries' and Julie immediately fell back while Jay walked to Luke.

"Thank you," Luke whispered to Jay as he gave the journal back to its rightful owner.

"I keep my secrets, you keep yours," Jay said quietly, a soft smile on his face that was quickly returned by the brunette. Jay looked carefully into Luke's eyes, the dark green orbs glimmering with gratefulness before they both stepped away from each other, Luke clearing his throat.

"I've got a tune in here that's just-it's got a killer beat," Luke said, tossing his journal down on the floor. Jay had turned away from the boy and made eye contact with Julie, who raised her eyebrows and jerked her head over at Luke. Jay rolled his eyes and returned to his seat on the table as Luke began playing a familiar rock riff.

"So you wanna sample," Julie said, taking her seat.

"What do you mean 'sample?'" Luke asked.

"I don't think they could have sampled that, the song came out while they weren't around," Jay said, also recognizing the guitar riff.

"My mom, Jay, and I used to sing that song at the top of our lungs all the time," Julie explained.

"Classic Trevor Wilson," Jay nodded his head, recalling the memories.

"Nope," Luke said, picking up his journal, flipping to the page, and handing it over to Jay. "Classic our song."

Jay took the journal and looked at the page marked with the song title, lyrics, and chords. It was all exactly like the song Trevor Wilson had released.

"Pure Sunset Curve," Reggie agreed while Jay read. "Never even heard of Trevor Wilson."

"'Cause he wasn't around during your time," Jay said, closing the journal.

"Maybe you guys are mixing it up with another song," Alex said.

"I don't mix up songs, trust me," Julie said, sounding mildly offended. "His daughter used to be my best friend, we used to hang out at their place all the time."

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