Chapter 8

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No update yesterday because it was Thanksgiving for all my American readers. Hope you all had a good day yesterday. Thank you so much for all the love you've given this story, I hope you really enjoy the way things are going and where they will continue to go.

When Jay had gotten an SOS text message from Julie moments after finishing his homework, he groaned. Not out of any annoyance towards Julie, but because he knew that despite how much his head hurt from AP Comparative Government he would drop everything and head over to the garage.

And that's exactly what he did.

"I got your text, what's up?" Jay asked as he entered the garage to a rehearsing band.

"Jay, you're here!" Julie said, grabbing an electric guitar and practically throwing it into Jay's hands. "C'mon, we have a lot of work to do and not a lot of time to do it!"

"Woah, what's going on?" Jay asked, putting the guitar strap over his head.

"We have less than half an hour to put together a song for Flynn," Alex explained and Jay gaped at Julie.

"Thirty minutes? Seriously?" Jay asked.

"We can do it, c'mon, Luke can tell you what we're doing," Julie said, sitting at her keyboard.

Jay looked at the ghost boys, clearly exasperated, and they simply shrugged at him as he plugged the guitar into the amp.

"Alright, so here's the deal..."

After the boys had quickly briefed Jay on what the plan was, he couldn't help the sigh that came out of his mouth.

"I love you girls, but I literally just told you to give her time to cool off," he said to Julie.

"Technically she did," Reggie said and Julie made a motion that showed her agreement.

"Alright, fine," Jay said, recognizing a pointless battle. "Where're we at, boss?"

After what seemed like nowhere near enough rehearsal time, there was a knock at the door that Julie recognized as Flynn. The boys all took their spots as Julie went to open the door.

"Thanks for coming," Jay heard Julie say as he adjusted his mic for the fifth time.

"You alright Jay?" Alex asked, noticing Jay's fidgeting.

"Yeah, sure, definitely," Jay said. "Just gotta sing some more. Fun."

"Hey, you're awesome dude," Reggie said. "You'll do awesome."

"Yeah, we all know how talented you are," Luke said. "Just...lose yourself in the music."

"Lemme guess," Flynn said as she walked in. "Talking to the imaginary ghost band?"

"Yep," Jay said as Julie closed the door.

"Alright guys, you ready?" Julie asked the boys, receiving a simultaneous 'yes' from everyone.

"Woah hold on, I don't wanna walk through people," Reggie said, gesturing to Flynn next to him. "It's...weird."

Jay shook his head while laughing, gesturing to an area where there was more room for him to rock out while Julie sat Flynn on the chair.

"If you'll notice, there's no equipment that will produce a hologram," Julie said. "Feel free to look around."

All the boys readied themselves as Julie positioned herself at the keyboard.

"The guys took a poem I wrote about you and put it to music," Julie said with a nervous smile.

"Aw," Flynn said. "I wish I didn't have to talk to your dad after this."

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