Chapter 33

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Jay took heavy breaths as the band finished performing. He stepped to the side next to Julie as the audience gave them a standing ovation, the widest smile on his face as he bowed. He heard the gasps in the audience as the phantoms disappeared and chuckled along with Julie, still riding the adrenaline high of the performance as everyone erupted in applause.

"Thank you," Julie said into her mic. "We're Julie and The Phantoms-"

"Tell your friends," Jay into the same mic, stealing Reggie's signature line.

Jay slung an arm around Julie's shoulders and the two of them ran offstage. Julie had gone to where Flynn and the ghosts were waiting for them by the bar while Jay stayed back to unplug his guitar from the amp and pack up his gig bag. From the corner of his eye, he could see Flynn squeal and giggle as Julie enveloped her in a quick hug.

"You were incredible!" Flynn said as Jay walked up to the group, gig bag over his shoulder.

"Yeah, we were!" Reggie said from behind her, looking proudly at Julie and Jay, the latter currently enveloped in a hug from Flynn.

"Jay, you absolutely rocked it up there!" Luke said excitedly.

"Me? We were all rocking it!" Jay said, pulling away from the hug and turning to Alex. "Alex, that drumline was perfect!"

"Nah, that was simple, you guys were the ones killing it," Alex said, waving off the compliment.

"Dude," Jay scoffed. "Just accept your awesomeness for a moment. That was probably the best we've ever performed together!"

Jay ran a hand through his hair, the excitement of the night still pounding in his ears. He missed the knowing look that Alex and Luke gave to Reggie and instead focused on Flynn's next words.

"Jay, your voice!" she said. "Boy, you need to sing some more for me, that was amazing!"

"I promise I'll sing at your wedding, Flynn," Jay said jokingly.

Well, he was only half-joking. 

Jay ran his hand through his hair again, not missing the way Luke stared at him as he did. Jay bit his lip and looked away quickly, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. He puffed his shirt, creating quick bursts of cool air that hit the sweat on his torso.

Jay could feel the chemistry between him and Luke on the stage. He could feel the connection between the two of them, a connection that grew with every song they made together. Julie and Flynn were right, Jay had a bad crush on Luke. It was much more than just a crush considering Luke had quite literally changed his life, along with Reggie and Alex, of course.

"Hey, hey!" Luke said suddenly, looking over Jay's shoulder. "Whoever Carrie was trying to impress is coming this way."

Jay whirled around to see a lady in a white suit walking towards them. 

"She looks all business," Alex said from behind him.

"Wait, who should do the talking?" Reggie asked, earning a look from Jay and Julie. "Right, you two. Yeah."

"You got this," Luke said reassuringly.

Jay really needed that in the moment. He remembered that they had mentioned Eat & Beats being a hotspot for managers and recruiters, but he didn't think something like this would happen so soon.

"Hi, I'm Andi Parker," the lady introduced, holding out a hand to Julie. Julie quickly took her hand and shook it. Andi Parker then turned to Jay and shook his hand as well. "I would like to talk-"


The entire group looked up at Ray Molina's irritated face. Jay quickly dropped his hand and looked down at Julie, who was looking at her father as if she didn't expect to see him here. Which, to be fair, Jay was sure none of them were expecting to see Ray at a music cafe.

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