Where no one can see

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After a schedule by the morning, most of TWICE's girls went back to the dorm, except for Momo, Mina and Tzuyu, who have to do some things by the afternoon at the company. But all the girls could have lunch together, so their bodies are full of energy (And food) again, although they'll be spending time laying on bed anyways.

As you can suspect, Sana and Dahyun are spending this precious time together again, this time in the older one's room. Not everything is hugs and kisses, but yeah, that's what they mostly do, but playing and sharing hobbies is funny too.

Dahyun almost burn her hand with the wax of the candle, Sana nagged her for being neglected and gave her gloves while the cute younger girl looked at her unnie with a bright guilty smile. Sana rolled her eyes, trying to not give up in the girl's cuteness, but it seems too difficult for her heart.

After making two candles, a very well-made by Sana and a curious one by Dahyun, they decided to end the game to avoid any trouble or danger.

— Unnie, I'm hungry! — Dahyun said, rolling on the floor.

— I'm not the best cooking, but-

— You are! I love when you cook... but please don't try new things, just do something you already know

They made their way to the kitchen, Sana took some ingredients and began to cook with a small pale bean helping her (Without touching the knifes).

The food was cooking, so they have to wait. Dahyun was very hyper that day, at the point where Sana was the calmer one, our cute rapper was very happy for no reason.

Jumping and humming songs, Sana looked at her with a wide smile, imagining for a moment how good was the atmosphere. They two, in comfy clothes, cooking together, playing, hugging, sharing those cute pecks... Sana doesn't remember someone who could make her that happy, none of her ex, even the one she loved the most looks small beside Dahyun.

Sana took the younger to make her stay still for a moment, Dahyun isn't this type of girl indoors, so the japanese wants to ask.

— What's up to you? — Dahyun tilted her head innocently — Why so hyper?

— Oh... — The girl giggled — I don't know... sometimes I just want to be hyper like you, it feels like I'm dropping all my energy, I like it! — Sana chuckled.

— Why trying to be like me? I'm a disaster sometimes, you're way better

— What?! Unnie, you're the best person I ever meet! I'm always trying to learn of you — Sana felt her cheeks blushing.

— Oh, come on... I'm just a normal dumb girl

— Nah, you're amazing — Dahyun took a step closer and pecked her unnie's lips.

— Hum... you're always so sweet to me here — Sana pouted — But you're not like that in public

— I'm shy, ok? And fans could take it wrong

Sana fake smiled and went to the food, Dahyun was setting the table.

Yeah... Dahyun don't want people to know this for the same reason at the start, when Momo found out about them, she doesn't want misunderstandings.

Just if she only knew about Sana's true feelings, she would realize how much the older one wants to be what she keeps trying to hide.

Peckfriends - SaidaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ