Be careful

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Sana was trying to play it cool, because nobody noticed the glances that Momo was giving to her, not even Dahyun. And our girl totally knew why her bestfriend was looking at her like that, so she used her convincing fake smile and natural way of act innocent.

Momo raised an eyebrow at her bestie, watching how clingy was Sana with Dahyun at that moment, and also noticing how the younger was blushing softly. That was new and a problem, because all of them get shy when Sana approach too aggressively, but will never blush like that.

The oldest of the J-Trinity found something fishy in all this mess of "peckfriends", at that moment she didn't know if her friends just lied to her, or if that plan was definitely a bad idea.

Once they get home, Momo back-hugged Sana and entered the game of act, and she perfectly knows how her bestie is just weak towards everything which means "show love". Sana was so happy, was a long ago the last time that Momo hugged her without asking for, they started to talk about everything and the rest of members just left them be, since they know how close they are.

Dahyun was giggling while looking at them being clingy, it is certainly something cute and weird to see, but they all know that Momo prefers to be like that in private.

When Momo managed to get Sana to her room, she closed the door behind her and crossed her arms in her chest while Sana was still excited and talking about random stuff. But soon the younger one noticed those glaring eyes of her bestie, and she knew it all was a trap.

— What did I do? — Sana asked worried.

It's not something new what Momo did, Sana actually thanks that, because every time she makes a mistake without knowing, her bestie will always talk to her and let her know why what she did was bad, and so do Sana with Momo too.

— I don't know, tell me, what the hell are you doing with Dahyun? — Sana scratched the back of her neck nervously.

— I thought it was clear... we already explained that to you

— So all this "peckfriends" thing... is true? — Sana nodded — Who of you, pair of dumb girls, planned this? — Sana gulped.

— M-Me... but! She started it saying that it's weird when I ask for a peck

— So you were already asking for pecks before?!?! — Sana giggled — Sana, it's not funny, I can understand if you just want to kiss someone and-

— Pecks, not kiss, just pecks — Momo rolled her eyes.

— Ok, I understand it, but Dahyun is still young, she can get confused by your behavior, don't you remember Eunha? — Sana looked away — She got confused too

— But I never gave her a peck, she got confused by herself, I was just being clingy as always

— And even with just that, she fell in love

— Oh, come on! — Sana stood up — Eunha were never straight, it was not my fault, I didn't know that

— But we don't know about Dahyun either, she is too reserved and if she's not straight... this will be awful, not only for her, for you too and the whole group — Sana sighed.

— Momorig, I promise, I have everything in control, and she would never accept this if she's really into girls, she's smart

— As you? — Momo raised an eyebrow while Sana rolled her eyes.

— Just trust me — The younger one grabbed her bestie's shoulders — Everything is ok

— If you're wrong and hurt yourself or Dahyun, I'll kick your ass — Momo glared.

— I will deserve it, so go ahead — Sana smiled — Want to spend the afternoon together? We haven't done it for a long time...

— Dahyun won't get jealous? — Momo teased and Sana just pushed her.

They spent the afternoon and even the night together, playing with Boo, chatting, watching movies, doing their nails and much other stuff.

Dahyun in her room was thinking, remembering some things that she haven't done and are waiting for her. Staying alone this day made her make a decision, because her heart racing just by thinking of that person was the sign she needed.

She grabbed her phone.

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