She's gone

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After two weeks of multiples schedules in Japan because of their comeback, TWICE came back to Korea and had 14 days off (An self-quarantine). They all rested and charged energy for the future work, the end of the year was coming and their new plans as a group were waiting for them.

We obviously know what Sana and Dahyun were doing, right? Don't think too much, they just cuddled... and shared some pecks.

It was already the day number 15, and they could resume their work in two days, because the others groups of the agency were doing comebacks, so they will wait a bit more. It's not a big deal for them, they worked really hard the past five years of their career and are grateful for that, now it's time for their little hobaes to work.

Sana was looking forward to the afternoon, because she found a good movie and wanted to watch it with Dahyun, it was a good hobby. The japanese was really excited, but she has to wait, because right now the whole group is watching a k-drama together, and Sana can't say "no" to her members.

But this time Dahyun wasn't there, the young pale lady was getting ready in her room to go out for a date with her friend Eunbi, or SinB. And we have to add that she forgot to tell the members about it.

Dahyun came out of her room while all the members looked at her. Sana smiled unconsciously, thinking how pretty the younger is, wanting to give her a peck and tons of hugs. Jeongyeon decided to speak.

— Going out? — Dahyun nodded while looking at her phone.

— With who? — Nayeon asked in a teasing tone, the other girl giggled.

— It's just SinB, calm down — They all booed.

— Use your mask! — Jihyo reminded — And be careful with those dumb paparazzis, and sasaengs too

— Well, it's just my friend...

— Just in case — Jihyo said again — Ok?

— Ok, unnie, don't worry — Dahyun smiled at her — I'll be the coolest ninja!

They all laughed at the younger's joke, all except Sana, who was fake smiling as every time she feels down. The others say it's not a good habit, but she doesn't change that and nobody notices when she does it anyways.

Sana felt sad because she planned a lot of fun activities for that afternoon, not only the movie, but she bought some things like new makeup, some perfumes and creams, and scented candles that she wanted to show Dahyun. To make things worse, Momo also said she will go out later and some members too, at least one or two decided to stay, and Sana opted to stay too.

Mina was playing her games and Chaeyoung drawing in her room, Sana didn't want to disturb them since she knows how much they like their activities, she just let them enjoy their free time.

The japanese girl went to her room and decided to take a nap, she didn't want to stay awake because she was feeling alone and sad, that always make her think too much in a bad way. But Sana just couldn't sleep, because her chest was too tight and her mind was alert, even when she doesn't know what is wrong with her right now. Then she took her laptop and decided to watch the movie alone, she thought that maybe was just disappointed by not see it after being so excited for it, but she will watch it alone and search for another one to watch with her dear friend.

Ok, it isn't working...

Sana thought while watching the screen, yes, it was a good movie, but it's not funny if there's no one to laugh with her. She turned off her laptop and stood up, she'll do a little visit to her teammates's room.

Chaeyoung's door was locked, Sana could hear really loud music, her dongsaeng didn't want to be disturbed, obviously. Then, Sana went to Mina's room and found her playing and talking with some of her friends, they were playing online. Mina smiled at Sana and invited her to sit and watch her play, since she knows that Sana is not that good in video games but enjoy talking with people, and her friends are Sana's friends too.

The cute girl accepted and sat beside the penguin, smiling and quickly saying hi to the others, who were really happy to hear Sana's voice, the girl is nice.

But after fifteen minutes, Sana felt a bit uncomfortable again, remembering how this day she was supposed to be with Dahyun, cuddling and sharing pecks. With some excuses she left Mina's room, but nobody suspected something, Sana went to her own room again.

Laying on her bed and watching the ceiling, why she was so sad? She knows she's missing Dahyun, but why is it affecting her so much? After all, they just cuddle. Does she like cuddles that much?

While Sana was dealing with her thoughts, Dahyun was really happy in her little date with Eunbi, they were truly good friends. Laughing and talking about how the life has been with them, work, friends, love and much others stuff, just like friends do. But Dahyun wanted to ask something, and was getting impatient.

— Eunbi-ah, can I ask you something? — SinB smirked.

— Name it — Dahyun giggled while blushing.

— So... you're close friend of Astro's boys, aren't you?

Peckfriends - SaidaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon