Their End

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Trigger Warning: Mention of rape, blood, murder. If you're uncomfy with that maybe skip this. 

So this isn't what we normally post but I was proud of it and I wanted to share. It doesn't have a prompt, but it's the end of Reed and Mira's story and since I posted about them a bit here before I thought I would share this. I've never written anything like this but I tried.               

                                                                                                                                                               ~ Summ

The first thing I noticed was that the apartment door had been left open. Mira should be home from her date by now and if she had forgotten to close the door she was probably... preoccupied. It always hurt whenever Mira went on dates, when she chose someone else over me. Even if I knew it was no one's fault but my own. I had never told her how I felt or even hinted at it, in fact, but there was always a part of me that hoped Mira would realize my feelings, hoped that she would return them. Those hopes were always crushed whenever Mira would introduce me to her new boyfriend.

I especially didn't want to be here while she was doing... that with someone but I needed to at least grab clothes before I headed out to find somewhere to stay. Slipping through the door, I shut it behind me, blocking out the light from the hallway leaving me in complete darkness. Surely Mira would have at least turned on a light? Maybe she wasn't home at all and she had simply forgotten to close the door on her way out for the night.

"Mira?" My call was met with a sudden crash coming from her room. "Mira! Are you okay?" I stumbled towards her room and as I got closer I could hear sobs coming through the door.

"Mira?" I called again, this time right through her door.

"Reed?" I heard her soft whimper followed by more choked sobs and then heavy footsteps. Footsteps that couldn't possibly be hers. Forgetting all propriety I pushed open the door and stepped in.

The man standing across from me would have been handsome if his face wasn't stuck in an ever present snarl. He was tall, with dark hair and sharp features. He had the type of face that you instantly hated, no matter how good looking he was. He held himself like the world owed him a favor and he wasn't about to let it go unpaid. But the worst part about him was the horrific smug look that rested so effortlessly on his face. While he was looking at me could guess who that look was for. He was standing in front of Mira's bed in the corner. He stood cockily, with his chest puffed out though a bit of unease was slipping through his mask. This was one thing he couldn't charm his way out of and he knew it.

No, he wouldn't get out of this one. He wouldn't just walk away while Mira was on the floor, trying to cover her exposed legs with the thin material of her shirt which was wrapped unnaturally around her shaking body. She was scooting towards me, never turning her back to the man by her bed. Now that her cries were no longer muffled by the door I could hear the despair in them. I had gotten home too late. There was no reversing what this man had done to her.

I stepped towards Mira standing between her and her boyfriend. God, I didn't even know his name. I should know it, she had told me so many times, asked me to meet him so many times. Maybe if I had this wouldn't have happened. The thought angered me more than anything else. I should have been there for her, and listened to her like she deserved but I had been so caught up in my own self pity I couldn't see anything else.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I spat, taking another step forward, until our chests nearly touched. We were almost the same height, him being only an inch or so shorter. He looked at me and had the nerve to let a smirk cross his face.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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